Go cross-platform with comfort
VisualGDB 是 Visual Studio 的一个非常强大的扩展,它允许您调试或调试嵌入式系统。这个程序有一个非常有吸引力的用户界面,它有许多调试或调试代码的功能。VisualGDB 还有一个向导可以帮助您调试程序,为您提供强大的指导。此外,此程序中还有许多其他功能,分为常用功能、高级功能、可用性功能、Linux 功能、Android 功能等类别,每个功能都已在功能和特性部分为您列出。
VisualGDB makes cross-platform development with Visual Studio easy and comfortable. It supports:
- Barebone embedded systems and IoT modules (see full list)
- C/C++ Linux Applications
- Native Android Apps and Libraries
- Raspberry Pi and other Linux boards
- Linux kernel modules (separate VisualKernel product)
- ESP32 and Arduino targets
VS2008-2022 including the free Community Edition are supported.
Focus on your product, not the tools
VisualGDB will automatically install and configure the necessary tools:
- Embedded toolchains
- Cross-compilers for common Linux boards
- Compilers/debuggers on Debian- and RedHat-based Linux
- GDB Stub software like OpenOCD
All you need to do is choose your device from the list and start developing! VisualGDB can also easily import your existing code or debug code that is built elsewhere.
Advanced Build Output Window
VisualGDB can make sense of complex multi-line error messages from GCC, Keil and IAR compilers. It will show template instantiations, include stack for errors in header files, and other information that helps quickly understand what breaks the build.
You can quickly switch back and forth between the error messages and a specific location in the build log, where VisualGDB will highlight the important messages and make all paths clickable.
Advanced CMake Integration and Debugger
VisualGDB supports advanced CMake project subsystem, with 2-way synchronization between the CMakeLists files and Solution Explorer enabling you to:
- Easily view, add, remove and edit CMake targets
- Edit target settings via regular VS Property Pages
- Easily add/remove/rename sources for individual targets
- Configure advanced deployment options for targets
- Have precise IntelliSense configuration for complex projects
- Step through CMakeLists.txt files in a debugger
For advanced CMake projects, VisualGDB can access source files on remote Linux machines directly via SSH, without needing to store 2 copies of each file and synchronize them.
Automatic Error Troubleshooting
VisualGDB can automatically troubleshoot common C/C++ errors:
- Find missing header files and fix include paths
- Resolve undeclared symbols by finding the correct headers
- Fix 'undefined reference' errors by finding symbols in libraries
- Suggest common fixes to embedded configuration files
Seamless Support for Unit Tests
VisualGDB integrates popular CppUTest and GoogleTest frameworks in Visual Studio and provides an easy API to integrate custom frameworks. With one click of a mouse you can run/debug tests on:
- Embedded ARM devices via JTAG/SWD
- Linux machines and boards like Raspberry Pi
- Android devices
- Mbed projects using Greentea framework
Advanced IntelliSense with refactoring
VisualGDB includes a powerful Clang-based IntelliSense engine that fully supports GCC-specific code and is integrated with embedded and Linux tools. Advanced features include:
- Easy navigation around your code with CodeJumps and CodeExplorer
- Create-from-use for methods and constructors
- Automated code generation with RefactorScript
- Edit-driven renaming with C++17 support
- Automatic corrections of common errors and typos
- Preprocessor lens to understand complex preprocessor macros
- Code Map for functions, methods, variables and more in C++ code
Read more about Clang IntelliSense features.
Fast and flexible project building
VisualGDB includes an high-performance MSBuild back-end optimized for lightning fast builds of Embedded and Linux projects and automatic and precise IntelliSense.
If your project already uses GNU Make, CMake or QMake, you can easily import it into VisualGDB and have your IntelliSense and settings managed automatically.
Powerful Linux profiling
VisualGDB takes profiling an dynamic analysis of Linux programs to a new level. Featuring the extremely scalable profiling database format VisualGDB lets you conveniently explore the performance of your program and relations between different parts ot it. Switch between function tree, global function list and detailed per-line view to quickly find and compare the information you need.
Powerful debugging experience
VisualGDB provides consistent Visual Studio debugging experience for local, SSH-based, JTAG-based debugging and many more. You hit F5, VisualGDB does the rest. Advanced debug features include:
- IntelliSense and preprocessor support in Watch windows
- Built-in SSH terminal and file transfer for Linux debugging
- Powerful custom actions to automate routine tasks
- Enter your own GDB commands and record command timings
Read more about VisualGDB debug features
Easy interface for complex tools
VisualGDB provides graphical interface for editing common settings of most widely used build tools from GNU/Linux:
- Graphically edit Makefiles and synchronize source file lists
- Manage CMake targets and settings
- Create and maintain QMake files for Qt projects
- Precise IntelliSense for large imported CMake projects
- Use VisualGDB-generated Makefiles or import your own ones
Suggestion Popups and Error Checking
The VisualGDB GUI is designed to make you productive at every task. This includes automatic suggestions of common variables and file/folder paths across VisualGDB Project Settings, as well as automatic troubleshooting of common build and deployment errors.
Integration with Team Foundation Server
VisualGDB features an open-source TFS plugin for easy out-of-the-box building of VisualGDB projects. Simply install the plugin to your TFS build server and build Make, CMake, or QMake-based VisualGDB projects easily and automatically with no need to install a separate instance of Visual Studio.
Read more about building VisualGDB projects with TFS
Easily share settings with your team
VisualGDB includes a convenient mechanism for sharing numerous types of settings and presets with your entire team. Simply configure a shared settings directory and then instantly share remote hosts, aliases, toolchain definitions, embedded packages, quick debug settings and common preferences to all computers using the same shared settings directory.
Configure team settings on your TFS build server and never experience the need to manually keep the global settings up-to-date.
Powerful Custom Actions
Customize the building, cleaning, loading and debugging experience of your projects with a library of powerful custom actions for running commands, synchronizing files or folders or setting context-specific variables.
Go cross-platform with comfort VisualGDB 是 Visual Studio 的一个非常强大的扩展,它允许您调试或调试嵌入式系统。这个程序有一个非常有吸引力的用户界面,它有许多调试或调试代码的功能。VisualGDB 还有一个向导可以帮助您调试程序,为您提…...
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一、django请求的整个生命周期 旅程: drf处于的位置:路由匹配成功,进视图类之前 1、包装了新的request 2、处理了编码(urlencoded,formdata,json) 3、三大认证 4、进了视图类(GenericAPIView+ListModelMixin) 进行了过滤和排序去模型中取数据分页序列化返回5、处理了…...
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LeetCode(剑指offer) Day1
1.用两个栈实现一个队列。队列的声明如下,请实现它的两个函数 appendTail 和 deleteHead ,分别完成在队列尾部插入整数和在队列头部删除整数的功能。(若队列中没有元素,deleteHead 操作返回 -1 ) 解题过程记录:本题就是用两个栈&…...
目录 一、JDBC基本操作步骤 二、JDBC代码 三、lombok插件的安装与使用 1、lombok插件的安装 2、lombok常用注解 Data Getter Setter ToString AllArgsConstructor NoArgsConstructor 3、lombok的使用 四、JDBC代码分析 一、JDBC基本操作步骤 1、导包mysql-connect…...
1. 背景 最近接触到的GPS设备有点多,逐渐明白大家定位的机理,也结合网上的文章《GPS、WiFi、基站、AGPS几种定位原理介绍与区别》 来做一个简单的总结。 2. 基于GPS定位 这是最基本的定位能力,它主要就是寻找卫星,利用光传播速度…...
本专栏分享 计算机小伙伴秋招春招找工作的面试经验和面试的详情知识点 专栏首页:秋招算法类面经分享 主要分享计算机算法类在面试互联网公司时候一些真实的经验 面试code学习参考请看:...
4.9 内部类
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验证ncnn模型的精度 1、进行pth模型的验证 得到ncnn模型的顺序为:.pth–>.onnx–>ncnn .pth的精度验证如下: 如进行的是二分类: model init_model(model, data_cfg, devicedevice, modeeval)###.pth转.onnx模型# #---# input_names …...
今天首先学习了监督学习中的分类问题,跑了两个代码。现在学起来感觉机器学习有很多不同的定理建立了不同的分类器,也就是所谓不同的方法。具体的数学原理我不太清楚。然后不同的应用场景有一个最优的分类器。 值得一提的应该就是终于清晰的明白了精度&am…...
leetcode刷题 | 关于二叉树的题型总结3
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设计模式-结构型 结构型设计模式包含:代理模式、适配器模式、桥接模式、装饰模式、外观设计模式、享元模式、组合模式 代理模式 核心是在具体的功能类与使用者之间建立一个中介类作为代理,使用者通过代理对象对真实的功能类进行访问。 在iOS开发中&am…...
【新】华为OD机试 - 预订酒店(Python)| 运气好 会考到原题
预订酒店 题目 放暑假了,小明决定到某旅游景点游玩,他在网上搜索到了各种价位的酒店(长度为 n 的数组 A),他的心理价位是 x 元,请帮他筛选出 k 个最接近 x 元的酒店(n>=k>0),并由低到高打印酒店的价格。 输入 第一行:n, k, x 第二行:A[0] A[1] A[2]...A[n-…...
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5. 最长回文子串
文章目录题目描述暴力法中心扩散法参考文献题目描述 给你一个字符串 s,找到 s 中最长的回文子串。 如果字符串的反序与原始字符串相同,则该字符串称为回文字符串。 示例 1: 输入:s “babad” 输出:“bab” 解释&a…...
系列文章第一章节之基础知识篇 内网渗透(一)之基础知识-内网渗透介绍和概述 内网渗透(二)之基础知识-工作组介绍 内网渗透(三)之基础知识-域环境的介绍和优点 内网渗透(四)之基础知识-搭建域环境 内网渗透(五)之基础知识-Active Directory活动目录介绍和使用 内网渗透(六)之基…...
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Go语言之 下载安装go以及vscode配置go环境
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作者:指针不指南吗 专栏:Acwing 蓝桥集训每日一题 🐾输出的时候,注意数据类型🐾 文章目录1.截断数组2.前缀和3.子矩阵的和4.k倍区间1.截断数组 给定一个长度为 n 的数组 a1a_1a1,a2a_2a2,…,ana_nan。 现在&…...
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[JavaScript 刷题] 特殊数组的特征值, leetcode 1608
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👨💻个人主页:元宇宙-秩沅 hallo 欢迎 点赞👍 收藏⭐ 留言📝 加关注✅! 本文由 秩沅 原创 收录于专栏:解忧杂货铺 ⭐各种素材网站大全⭐ 文章目录⭐各种素材网站大全⭐🎶大家必逛的四大天王…...
使用过NAS(Network Attached Storage)的朋友都知道,它可以通过局域网将本地硬盘转换为局域网内的“网盘”,简单理解就是搭建自己的“私有云”,但是硬件和网络成本都太高了,有点可望而不可及的意思。Alist开源库则可以满足我们&…...
【新】华为OD机试 - 数组的中心位置(Python)| 运气好,这就是原题
数组的中心位置 题目 给你一个整数数组nums,请计算数组的中心位置。 数组中心位置是数组的一个下标,其左侧所有元素相乘的积等于右侧所有元素相乘的积。 数组第一个元素的左侧积为1,最后一个元素的右侧积为1。 如果数组有多个中心位置,应该返回最靠近左边的那一个。 如果数…...
小米电视安装 Plex 打造家庭影院
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wordpress中文 apP/线上营销推广方式都有哪些
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序言: 1.本文摘自网络,看控件命名像是4.0以前的版本,但控件属性配置仍然可以借鉴(不足之处,以后项目用到时再续完善)。 Ext.form.TimeField: 配置项: maxValue:列表中允…...