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怎么做干果网站,合肥网络推广营销,红酒论坛网站建设,济南手机网站开发公司作业需要数据表SQL语句已给 1. 查询" 01 "课程比" 02 "课程成绩高的学生的信息及课程分数 select * from Student RIGHT JOIN (select t1.SId, class1, class2 from(select SId, score as class1 from sc where sc.CId 01)as t1, (select SId, score as …



 1. 查询" 01 "课程比" 02 "课程成绩高的学生的信息及课程分数

select * from Student RIGHT JOIN (select t1.SId, class1, class2 from(select SId, score as class1 from sc where sc.CId = '01')as t1, (select SId, score as class2 from sc where sc.CId = '02')as t2where t1.SId = t2.SId AND t1.class1 > t2.class2
)r on Student.SId = r.SId;

 1.1 查询同时存在" 01 "课程和" 02 "课程的情况

select * from (select * from sc where sc.CId = '01') as t1, (select * from sc where sc.CId = '02') as t2
where t1.SId = t2.SId;

1.2 查询存在" 01 "课程但可能不存在" 02 "课程的情况(不存在时显示为 null )

select * from 
(select * from sc where sc.CId = '01') as t1
left join 
(select * from sc where sc.CId = '02') as t2
on t1.SId = t2.SId;

1.3 查询不存在" 01 "课程但存在" 02 "课程的情况

select * from sc
where sc.SId not in (select SId from sc where sc.CId = '01'
) and sc.CId= '02';

2.查询平均成绩大于等于 60 分的同学的学生编号和学生姓名和平均成绩

select student.SId,sname,ss from student,(select SId, AVG(score) as ss from sc  group by SId having AVG(score)> 60)r where student.sid = r.sid;

3.查询在 SC 表存在成绩的学生信息

select distinct student.*
from student,sc
where student.SId=sc.SId

4.查询所有同学的学生编号、学生姓名、选课总数、所有课程的总成绩(没成绩的显示为 null )

select s.sid, s.sname,r.coursenumber,r.scoresum
from ((select student.sid,student.sname from student)s left join (select sc.sid, sum(sc.score) as scoresum, count(sc.cid) as coursenumber from sc group by sc.sid)r on s.sid = r.sid);


4.1 查有成绩的学生信息

select * from student where exists (select sc.sid from sc where student.sid = sc.sid);


select count(*) from teacher where tname like '李%';


select student.* from student,teacher,course,sc
where student.sid = sc.sid and course.cid=sc.cid and course.tid = teacher.tid and tname = '张三';


select * from student
where student.sid not in (select sc.sid from scgroup by sc.sidhaving count(sc.cid)= (select count(cid) from course));

8.查询至少有一门课与学号为" 01 "的同学所学相同的同学的信

select * from student 
where student.sid in (select sc.sid from sc where sc.cid in(select sc.cid from sc where sc.sid = '01'));

9.查询和" 01 "号的同学学习的课程 完全相同的其他同学的信息

select * from student where sid in(
select a.sid from (select sid,group_concat(cid order by cid) as courses 
from sc group by sid) as a
inner join (select sid,group_concat(cid order by cid) as courses 
from sc group by sid having sid='01') as b
on a.sid != 1 and a.courses = b.courses);


select * from student
where student.sid not in(select sc.sid from sc,course,teacher wheresc.cid = course.cidand course.tid = teacher.tidand teacher.tname= "张三");


select student.sid, student.Sname,b.avg
from student right join
(select sid, AVG(score) as avg from scwhere sid in (select sid from sc where score<60 group by sid having count(score)>1)group by sid) b on student.sid=b.sid;

12.检索" 01 "课程分数小于 60,按分数降序排列的学生信息

select student.*, sc.score from student, sc
where student.sid = sc.sid
and sc.score < 60
and cid = "01"
order by sc.score desc;


select *  from sc 
left join (select sid,avg(score) as avscore from sc group by sid)r 
on sc.sid = r.sid
order by avscore desc;


以如下形式显示:课程 ID,课程 name,最高分,最低分,平均分,及格率,中等率,优良率,优秀率;及格为>=60,中等为:70-80,优良为:80-90,优秀为:>=90;要求输出课程号和选修人数,查询结果按人数降序排列,若人数相同,按课程号升序排列

sc.CId ,
max(sc.score)as 最高分,
min(sc.score)as 最低分,
AVG(sc.score)as 平均分,
count(*)as 选修人数,
sum(case when sc.score>=60 then 1 else 0 end )/count(*)as 及格率,
sum(case when sc.score>=70 and sc.score<80 then 1 else 0 end )/count(*)as 中等率,
sum(case when sc.score>=80 and sc.score<90 then 1 else 0 end )/count(*)as 优良率,
sum(case when sc.score>=90 then 1 else 0 end )/count(*)as 优秀率 
from sc
ORDER BY count(*)DESC, sc.CId ASC

15.按各科成绩进行排序,并显示排名, Score 重复时保留名次空缺

SELECT *,row_number() over (PARTITION BY cid ORDER BY score DESC) AS '排名'FROM sc;

15.1 按各科成绩进行排序,并显示排名, Score 重复时合并名次

select *,
case when @sco=score then @rank else @rank:=@rank+1 end as rn,
from sc,(select @rank:=0,@sco:=NULL) t
order by score desc;


select a.*,
@rank:=if(@sco=scos,'',@rank+1) as rn,
(select sid,sum(score) as scos from sc
group by sid order by scos desc) a,
(select @rank:=0,@sco:=NULL) b;

16.1 查询学生的总成绩,并进行排名,总分重复时不保留名次空缺

select a.*,
@rank:=if(@sco=scos,@rank,@rank+1) as rn,
(select sid,sum(score) as scos from sc
group by sid order by scos desc) a,
(select @rank:=0,@sco:=NULL) b;

17.统计各科成绩各分数段人数:课程编号,课程名称,[100-85],[85-70],[70-60],[60-0] 及所占百分比

select course.cname, course.cid,
sum(case when sc.score<=100 and sc.score>85 then 1 else 0 end) as "[100-85]",
sum(case when sc.score<=85 and sc.score>70 then 1 else 0 end) as "[85-70]",
sum(case when sc.score<=70 and sc.score>60 then 1 else 0 end) as "[70-60]",
sum(case when sc.score<=60 and sc.score>0 then 1 else 0 end) as "[60-0]"
from sc left join course on sc.cid = course.cid group by sc.cid;


select * from sc
where (
select count(*) from sc as a 
where sc.cid = a.cid and sc.score<a.score 
)< 3 order by cid asc, sc.score desc;


select cid, count(sid) from sc  group by cid;


select student.SId,student.Sname
from sc,student
where student.SId=sc.SId  
group by sc.SId
having count(*)=2;


select ssex, count(*) from student group by ssex;


select * from student  where student.Sname like '%风%';


select sname, count(*) from student group by sname having count(*)>1;

24.查询 1990 年出生的学生名单

select * from student where YEAR(student.Sage)=1990;


select sc.cid, course.cname, AVG(SC.SCORE) as average from sc, course
where sc.cid = course.cid group by sc.cid order by average desc,cid asc;

26.查询平均成绩大于等于 85 的所有学生的学号、姓名和平均成绩

select student.sid, student.sname, AVG(sc.score) as aver from student, sc
where student.sid = sc.sid group by sc.sid having aver > 85;

27.查询课程名称为「数学」,且分数低于 60 的学生姓名和分数

select student.sname, sc.score from student, sc, course
where student.sid = sc.sid and course.cid = sc.cid and course.cname = "数学" and sc.score < 60;


select student.sname, cid, score from student left join sc on student.sid = sc.sid;

29.查询任何一门课程成绩在 70 分以上的姓名、课程名称和分数

select student.sname, course.cname,sc.score from student,course,sc
where sc.score>70 and student.sid = sc.sid and sc.cid = course.cid;


select distinct sc.CId from sc where sc.score <60;

31.查询课程编号为 01 且课程成绩在 80 分以上的学生的学号和姓名

select student.sid,student.sname from student,sc
where cid="01" and score>=80 and student.sid = sc.sid;


select sc.cid,count(*) as 学生人数 from sc group by sc.cid;


select student.*, sc.score, sc.cid from student, teacher, course,sc 
where teacher.tid = course.tid
and sc.sid = student.sid
and sc.cid = course.cid
and teacher.tname = "张三"
order by score desc
limit 1;


select student.*, sc.score, sc.cid from student, teacher, course,sc 
where teacher.tid = course.tid
and sc.sid = student.sid
and sc.cid = course.cid
and teacher.tname = "张三"
and sc.score = (select Max(sc.score) from sc,student, teacher, coursewhere teacher.tid = course.tidand sc.sid = student.sidand sc.cid = course.cidand teacher.tname = "张三"


select  a.cid, a.sid,  a.score from sc as a
inner join 
sc as b
on a.sid = b.sid
and a.cid != b.cid
and a.score = b.score
group by cid, sid;


select a.sid,a.cid,a.score from sc as a left join sc as b 
on a.cid = b.cid and a.score<b.score
group by a.cid, a.sid having count(b.cid)<2 order by a.cid;

37.统计每门课程的学生选修人数(超过 5 人的课程才统计)。

select sc.cid, count(sid) as cc from sc group by cid having cc >5;


select sid, count(cid) as cc from sc group by sid having cc>=2;


select student.* from sc ,student where sc.SId=student.SId group by sc.SId having count(*) = (select distinct count(*) from course )


select *, (year(now()) - year(sage)) as age from student;

41.按照出生日期来算,当前月日 < 出生年月的月日则,年龄减一

select *, timestampdiff(YEAR,sage,NOW()) as age from student;


select * from student where WEEKOFYEAR(student.Sage)=WEEKOFYEAR(CURDATE());


select * from student where WEEKOFYEAR(student.Sage)=WEEKOFYEAR(CURDATE())+1;


select * from student where MONTH(student.Sage)=MONTH(CURDATE());


select * from student where MONTH(student.Sage)=MONTH(CURDATE())+1;





作业需要数据表SQL语句已给 1. 查询" 01 "课程比" 02 "课程成绩高的学生的信息及课程分数 select * from Student RIGHT JOIN (select t1.SId, class1, class2 from(select SId, score as class1 from sc where sc.CId 01)as t1, (select SId, score as …...


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DDD系列 - 第9讲 实体、值对象

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