- 前言
- 应用场景
- 工具型应用
- 服务型应用
- 数据分析
- 命令行查看
- 采集数据
- 查看数据
- top
- Graph
- Flame Graph
- Source
- CPU分析:
- pprof可以通过采样应用程序的运行状态来分析CPU的使用情况,找出哪些函数占用了大量的CPU时间。
- 提供CPU使用率最高的函数列表和调用关系,帮助定位程序的CPU性能瓶颈。
- 内存分析:
- 支持对应用程序的内存分配和使用情况进行分析,帮助开发人员发现内存泄漏、高内存消耗的函数等问题。
- 提供内存使用最多的函数列表和调用关系,帮助优化内存管理和减少不必要的内存分配。
- 阻塞分析:
- pprof可以分析应用程序中的阻塞情况,识别并发执行过程中可能存在的阻塞问题。
- 提供阻塞最严重的代码段和调用关系,帮助优化并发执行的性能和减少阻塞时间。
- goroutine分析:
- 支持对应用程序中goroutine的跟踪和分析,帮助理解并发执行情况。
- 提供goroutine的数量、状态和调用关系等信息,帮助优化并发编程和避免goroutine泄漏。
- 堆分析:
- pprof可以生成堆内存分配和释放的时间序列图,帮助开发人员了解程序在运行过程中的内存分配情况。
- 提供堆内存使用的趋势和波动情况,帮助优化内存管理和减少内存占用。
- 服务型应用:web服务性能分析
- 工具型应用:输入命令行应用等
如果你想在不使用HTTP服务的情况下对应用程序进行性能分析,可以直接使用 runtime/pprof 包中提供的函数来生成性能分析数据。
package mainimport ("log""os""runtime""runtime/pprof""time"
)func main() {Analysis()
}func Analysis() {// 创建 CPU 分析文件cpuProfile, err := os.Create("./profile/cpu.prof")if err != nil {log.Fatal(err)}defer cpuProfile.Close()// 开始 CPU 分析if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(cpuProfile); err != nil {log.Fatal(err)}defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()// 模拟一些 CPU 密集型工作for i := 0; i < 1000000; i++ {_ = i * i}// 创建内存分析文件memProfile, err := os.Create("./profile/mem.prof")if err != nil {log.Fatal(err)}defer memProfile.Close()// 强制进行垃圾回收,以便获取准确的内存分析数据runtime.GC()// 开始内存分析if err := pprof.WriteHeapProfile(memProfile); err != nil {log.Fatal(err)}// 模拟一些内存使用data := make([]byte, 1024*1024)_ = datatime.Sleep(time.Second) // 等待一段时间以便生成分析数据log.Println("完成性能分析")
package mainimport (webpprof "github.com/gin-contrib/pprof""github.com/gin-gonic/gin""log""net/http""os""runtime""runtime/pprof""time"
)const Port = ":10000"func main() {WebAnalysis()
}func WebAnalysis() {g := gin.Default()g.GET("/test", func(c *gin.Context) {c.JSON(http.StatusOK, "测试成功")})webpprof.Register(g) // 注入HandlerFuncsg.Run(Port)}
,也就是将func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)格式函数转换为gin.HandlerFunc
package pprofimport ("net/http/pprof""github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
)const (// DefaultPrefix url prefix of pprofDefaultPrefix = "/debug/pprof"
)func getPrefix(prefixOptions ...string) string {prefix := DefaultPrefixif len(prefixOptions) > 0 {prefix = prefixOptions[0]}return prefix
}// Register the standard HandlerFuncs from the net/http/pprof package with
// the provided gin.Engine. prefixOptions is a optional. If not prefixOptions,
// the default path prefix is used, otherwise first prefixOptions will be path prefix.
func Register(r *gin.Engine, prefixOptions ...string) {RouteRegister(&(r.RouterGroup), prefixOptions...)
}// RouteRegister the standard HandlerFuncs from the net/http/pprof package with
// the provided gin.GrouterGroup. prefixOptions is a optional. If not prefixOptions,
// the default path prefix is used, otherwise first prefixOptions will be path prefix.
func RouteRegister(rg *gin.RouterGroup, prefixOptions ...string) {prefix := getPrefix(prefixOptions...)prefixRouter := rg.Group(prefix){prefixRouter.GET("/", gin.WrapF(pprof.Index))prefixRouter.GET("/cmdline", gin.WrapF(pprof.Cmdline))prefixRouter.GET("/profile", gin.WrapF(pprof.Profile))prefixRouter.POST("/symbol", gin.WrapF(pprof.Symbol))prefixRouter.GET("/symbol", gin.WrapF(pprof.Symbol))prefixRouter.GET("/trace", gin.WrapF(pprof.Trace))prefixRouter.GET("/allocs", gin.WrapH(pprof.Handler("allocs")))prefixRouter.GET("/block", gin.WrapH(pprof.Handler("block")))prefixRouter.GET("/goroutine", gin.WrapH(pprof.Handler("goroutine")))prefixRouter.GET("/heap", gin.WrapH(pprof.Handler("heap")))prefixRouter.GET("/mutex", gin.WrapH(pprof.Handler("mutex")))prefixRouter.GET("/threadcreate", gin.WrapH(pprof.Handler("threadcreate")))}
// Package pprof serves via its HTTP server runtime profiling data
// in the format expected by the pprof visualization tool.
// The package is typically only imported for the side effect of
// registering its HTTP handlers.
// The handled paths all begin with /debug/pprof/.
// To use pprof, link this package into your program:
// import _ "net/http/pprof"
// If your application is not already running an http server, you
// need to start one. Add "net/http" and "log" to your imports and
// the following code to your main function:
// go func() {
// log.Println(http.ListenAndServe("localhost:6060", nil))
// }()
// By default, all the profiles listed in [runtime/pprof.Profile] are
// available (via [Handler]), in addition to the [Cmdline], [Profile], [Symbol],
// and [Trace] profiles defined in this package.
// If you are not using DefaultServeMux, you will have to register handlers
// with the mux you are using.
// # Usage examples
// Use the pprof tool to look at the heap profile:
// go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/heap
// Or to look at a 30-second CPU profile:
// go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=30
// Or to look at the goroutine blocking profile, after calling
// runtime.SetBlockProfileRate in your program:
// go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/block
// Or to look at the holders of contended mutexes, after calling
// runtime.SetMutexProfileFraction in your program:
// go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/mutex
// The package also exports a handler that serves execution trace data
// for the "go tool trace" command. To collect a 5-second execution trace:
// curl -o trace.out http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/trace?seconds=5
// go tool trace trace.out
// To view all available profiles, open http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/
// in your browser.
// For a study of the facility in action, visit
// https://blog.golang.org/2011/06/profiling-go-programs.html
package pprofimport ("bufio""bytes""context""fmt""html""internal/profile""io""log""net/http""net/url""os""runtime""runtime/pprof""runtime/trace""sort""strconv""strings""time"
func init() {http.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/", Index)http.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/cmdline", Cmdline)http.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/profile", Profile)http.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/symbol", Symbol)http.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/trace", Trace)
go tool pprof
usage:Produce output in the specified format.pprof <format> [options] [binary] <source> ...Omit the format to get an interactive shell whose commands can be used
to generate various views of a profilepprof [options] [binary] <source> ...Omit the format and provide the "-http" flag to get an interactive web
interface at the specified host:port that can be used to navigate through
various views of a profile.pprof -http [host]:[port] [options] [binary] <source> ...Details:Output formats (select at most one):-callgrind Outputs a graph in callgrind format-comments Output all profile comments-disasm Output assembly listings annotated with samples-dot Outputs a graph in DOT format-eog Visualize graph through eog-evince Visualize graph through evince-gif Outputs a graph image in GIF format-gv Visualize graph through gv-kcachegrind Visualize report in KCachegrind-list Output annotated source for functions matching regexp-pdf Outputs a graph in PDF format-peek Output callers/callees of functions matching regexp-png Outputs a graph image in PNG format-proto Outputs the profile in compressed protobuf format-ps Outputs a graph in PS format-raw Outputs a text representation of the raw profile-svg Outputs a graph in SVG format-tags Outputs all tags in the profile-text Outputs top entries in text form-top Outputs top entries in text form-topproto Outputs top entries in compressed protobuf format-traces Outputs all profile samples in text form-tree Outputs a text rendering of call graph-web Visualize graph through web browser-weblist Display annotated source in a web browserOptions:-call_tree Create a context-sensitive call tree-compact_labels Show minimal headers-divide_by Ratio to divide all samples before visualization-drop_negative Ignore negative differences-edgefraction Hide edges below <f>*total-focus Restricts to samples going through a node matching regexp-hide Skips nodes matching regexp-ignore Skips paths going through any nodes matching regexp-intel_syntax Show assembly in Intel syntax-mean Average sample value over first value (count)-nodecount Max number of nodes to show-nodefraction Hide nodes below <f>*total-noinlines Ignore inlines.-normalize Scales profile based on the base profile.-output Output filename for file-based outputs-prune_from Drops any functions below the matched frame.-relative_percentages Show percentages relative to focused subgraph-sample_index Sample value to report (0-based index or name)-show Only show nodes matching regexp-show_from Drops functions above the highest matched frame.-source_path Search path for source files-tagfocus Restricts to samples with tags in range or matched by regexp-taghide Skip tags matching this regexp-tagignore Discard samples with tags in range or matched by regexp-tagleaf Adds pseudo stack frames for labels key/value pairs at the callstack leaf.-tagroot Adds pseudo stack frames for labels key/value pairs at the callstack root.-tagshow Only consider tags matching this regexp-trim Honor nodefraction/edgefraction/nodecount defaults-trim_path Path to trim from source paths before search-unit Measurement units to displayOption groups (only set one per group):granularity-functions Aggregate at the function level.-filefunctions Aggregate at the function level.-files Aggregate at the file level.-lines Aggregate at the source code line level.-addresses Aggregate at the address level.sort-cum Sort entries based on cumulative weight-flat Sort entries based on own weightSource options:-seconds Duration for time-based profile collection-timeout Timeout in seconds for profile collection-buildid Override build id for main binary-add_comment Free-form annotation to add to the profileDisplayed on some reports or with pprof -comments-diff_base source Source of base profile for comparison-base source Source of base profile for profile subtractionprofile.pb.gz Profile in compressed protobuf formatlegacy_profile Profile in legacy pprof formathttp://host/profile URL for profile handler to retrieve-symbolize= Controls source of symbol informationnone Do not attempt symbolizationlocal Examine only local binariesfastlocal Only get function names from local binariesremote Do not examine local binariesforce Force re-symbolizationBinary Local path or build id of binary for symbolization-tls_cert TLS client certificate file for fetching profile and symbols-tls_key TLS private key file for fetching profile and symbols-tls_ca TLS CA certs file for fetching profile and symbolsMisc options:-http Provide web interface at host:port.Host is optional and 'localhost' by default.Port is optional and a randomly available port by default.-no_browser Skip opening a browser for the interactive web UI.-tools Search path for object toolsLegacy convenience options:-inuse_space Same as -sample_index=inuse_space-inuse_objects Same as -sample_index=inuse_objects-alloc_space Same as -sample_index=alloc_space-alloc_objects Same as -sample_index=alloc_objects-total_delay Same as -sample_index=delay-contentions Same as -sample_index=contentions-mean_delay Same as -mean -sample_index=delayEnvironment Variables:PPROF_TMPDIR Location for saved profiles (default $HOME/pprof)PPROF_TOOLS Search path for object-level toolsPPROF_BINARY_PATH Search path for local binary filesdefault: $HOME/pprof/binariessearches $buildid/$name, $buildid/*, $path/$buildid,${buildid:0:2}/${buildid:2}.debug, $name, $path* On Windows, %USERPROFILE% is used instead of $HOME
no profile source specified
go tool pprof http://localhost:10000/debug/pprof/allocs
go tool pprof http://localhost:10000/debug/pprof/block
go tool pprof http://localhost:10000/debug/pprof/cmdline
go tool pprof http://localhost:10000/debug/pprof/heap
go tool pprof http://localhost:10000/debug/pprof/mutex
go tool pprof http://localhost:10000/debug/pprof/profile
go tool pprof http://localhost:10000/debug/pprof/threadcreate
go tool pprof http://localhost:10000/debug/pprof/trace
在进入 pprof 命令行界面后,你可以输入不同的命令来查看不同类型的分析数据,比如 top 查看 CPU 使用最多的函数,list 查看某个函数的详细信息,web 可以在浏览器中打开交互式图形界面等。
库 ,mac安装使用命令为:brew install graphviz
go tool pprof -http: pb.gz路径 //参考截图使用
Flame Graph

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