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长春最专业的网站建设,免费创建个人网页,网站安全建设 需求分析,泰安网络安全培训资源课件&#xff1a; CS106B-recursion-pptstanford library-timer.hstanford library-set.h 不同的方法 1------ Set<string> permutations1Rec(string remaining) {Set<string> res;if(remaining.size() 0) {res "";}else {for(int i 0; i <…


  1. CS106B-recursion-ppt
  2. stanford library-timer.h
  3. stanford library-set.h




Set<string> permutations1Rec(string remaining) {Set<string> res;if(remaining.size() == 0) {res += "";}else {for(int i = 0; i < remaining.size(); ++i) {char selectCharacter = remaining[i];string newRemaining = remaining.substr(0, i) + remaining.substr(i+1);Set<string> subres = permutations1Rec(newRemaining);for(auto str : subres) {res += selectCharacter + str;}}}return res;
}void permutations1(const string &str) {Set<string> res = permutations1Rec(str);cout << res << endl;


Set<string> permutations2Rec(string remaining) {Set<string> res;if(remaining.size() == 0) {res += "";}else {char firstCharacter = remaining[0];string newRemaining = remaining.substr(1);Set<string> subres = permutations2Rec(newRemaining);for(string subpermutation : subres) {for(int i = 0; i <= subpermutation.size(); ++i) {string subpermutationCp = subpermutation;subpermutationCp.insert(subpermutationCp.begin() + i, firstCharacter);res += subpermutationCp;}}}return res;
}void permutations2(const string &str) {Set<string> res = permutations2Rec(str);cout << res << endl;



Set<string> permutations3Rec(string str, int pos) {Set<string> res;if(pos == str.size()) {res += str;}else {for(int i = pos; i < str.size(); ++i) {if(i == pos || str[i] != str[pos]) {swap(str[i], str[pos]);res += permutations3Rec(str, pos+1);swap(str[i], str[pos]);}}}return res;
}void permutations3(const string &str) {Set<string> res = permutations3Rec(str, 0);cout << res << endl;



Set<string> permutations4Rec(string remaining,string alreadyMade) {Set<string> res;if(remaining.size() == 0) {res += alreadyMade;}else {for(int i = 0; i < remaining.size(); ++i) {string newRemaining = remaining.substr(0, i) + remaining.substr(i+1);res += permutations4Rec(newRemaining, alreadyMade+remaining[i]);}}return res;
}void permutations4(const string &str) {Set<string> res = permutations4Rec(str, "");cout << res << endl;


其中X为不同写法,permutationsXRec为具体实现函数,permutationsX为wrapper 函数。

#include <iostream>
#include "set.h"
#include "timer.h"
using namespace std;Set<string> permutations1Rec(string remaining) {Set<string> res;if(remaining.size() == 0) {res += "";}else {for(int i = 0; i < remaining.size(); ++i) {char selectCharacter = remaining[i];string newRemaining = remaining.substr(0, i) + remaining.substr(i+1);Set<string> subres = permutations1Rec(newRemaining);for(auto str : subres) {res += selectCharacter + str;}}}return res;
}void permutations1(const string &str) {Set<string> res = permutations1Rec(str);cout << res << endl;
}Set<string> permutations2Rec(string remaining) {Set<string> res;if(remaining.size() == 0) {res += "";}else {char firstCharacter = remaining[0];string newRemaining = remaining.substr(1);Set<string> subres = permutations2Rec(newRemaining);for(string subpermutation : subres) {for(int i = 0; i <= subpermutation.size(); ++i) {string subpermutationCp = subpermutation;subpermutationCp.insert(subpermutationCp.begin() + i, firstCharacter);res += subpermutationCp;}}}return res;
}void permutations2(const string &str) {Set<string> res = permutations2Rec(str);cout << res << endl;
}Set<string> permutations3Rec(string str, int pos) {Set<string> res;if(pos == str.size()) {res += str;}else {for(int i = pos; i < str.size(); ++i) {if(i == pos || str[i] != str[pos]) {swap(str[i], str[pos]);res += permutations3Rec(str, pos+1);swap(str[i], str[pos]);}}}return res;
}void permutations3(const string &str) {Set<string> res = permutations3Rec(str, 0);cout << res << endl;
}Set<string> permutations4Rec(string remaining,string alreadyMade) {Set<string> res;if(remaining.size() == 0) {res += alreadyMade;}else {for(int i = 0; i < remaining.size(); ++i) {string newRemaining = remaining.substr(0, i) + remaining.substr(i+1);res += permutations4Rec(newRemaining, alreadyMade+remaining[i]);}}return res;
}void permutations4(const string &str) {Set<string> res = permutations4Rec(str, "");cout << res << endl;
}int main() {Timer tim;tim.start();cout << "....." << endl;tim.stop();cout << "The code took " << tim.elapsed() << "ms to finish." << endl;tim.start();permutations1("123");tim.stop();cout << "The code took " << tim.elapsed() << "ms to finish." << endl;tim.start();permutations2("123");tim.stop();cout << "The code took " << tim.elapsed() << "ms to finish." << endl;tim.start();permutations3("123");tim.stop();cout << "The code took " << tim.elapsed() << "ms to finish." << endl;tim.start();permutations4("123");tim.stop();cout << "The code took " << tim.elapsed() << "ms to finish." << endl;return 0;

The code took 34ms to finish.
{“123”, “132”, “213”, “231”, “312”, “321”}
The code took 2ms to finish.
{“123”, “132”, “213”, “231”, “312”, “321”}
The code took 2ms to finish.
{“123”, “132”, “213”, “231”, “312”, “321”}
The code took 2ms to finish.
{“123”, “132”, “213”, “231”, “312”, “321”}
The code took 3ms to finish.


int main() {Timer tim;tim.start();cout << "....." << endl;tim.stop();cout << "The code took " << tim.elapsed() << "ms to finish." << endl;tim.start();permutations1("12345678");tim.stop();cout << "The code-1 took " << tim.elapsed() << "ms to finish." << endl;tim.start();permutations2("12345678");tim.stop();cout << "The code-2 took " << tim.elapsed() << "ms to finish." << endl;tim.start();permutations3("12345678");tim.stop();cout << "The code-3 took " << tim.elapsed() << "ms to finish." << endl;tim.start();permutations4("12345678");tim.stop();cout << "The code-4 took " << tim.elapsed() << "ms to finish." << endl;tim.start();permutations1("12345678");tim.stop();cout << "The code-1 took " << tim.elapsed() << "ms to finish." << endl;tim.start();permutations2("12345678");tim.stop();cout << "The code-2 took " << tim.elapsed() << "ms to finish." << endl;tim.start();permutations3("12345678");tim.stop();cout << "The code-3 took " << tim.elapsed() << "ms to finish." << endl;tim.start();permutations4("12345678");tim.stop();cout << "The code-4 took " << tim.elapsed() << "ms to finish." << endl;return 0;

The code took 38ms to finish.
The code-1 took 1150ms to finish.
The code-2 took 279ms to finish.
The code-3 took 1077ms to finish.
The code-4 took 1135ms to finish.
The code-1 took 1141ms to finish.
The code-2 took 279ms to finish.
The code-3 took 1071ms to finish.
The code-4 took 1129ms to finish.


  • 其实第一种方法和第四种方法它们思想是几乎一致的,从时间上它们也很接近。
  • 第三种方法比1、4快些,但是函数调用依旧在for循环里,开销较大。
  • 第二种方法函数调用在for循环外面,节省了很多时间。似乎也更好理解一些?
  • 这里纯属娱乐,学的比较晕,记录一下~



资源课件&#xff1a; CS106B-recursion-pptstanford library-timer.hstanford library-set.h 不同的方法 1------ Set<string> permutations1Rec(string remaining) {Set<string> res;if(remaining.size() 0) {res "";}else {for(int i 0; i <…...


目录 引言 外键简介 对比 真实后台项目中的权衡 结论 引言 在大学学习数据库课程时&#xff0c;我们会早早的接触到外键这一概念&#xff0c;同时我相信大部分人在懂了外键的概念后都会觉得外键很重要&#xff0c;在涉及多表一定要用&#xff0c;但后来在我接触到真实项目…...


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挑战杯 车位识别车道线检测 - python opencv

0 前言 &#x1f525; 优质竞赛项目系列&#xff0c;今天要分享的是 &#x1f6a9; 深度学习 机器视觉 车位识别车道线检测 该项目较为新颖&#xff0c;适合作为竞赛课题方向&#xff0c;学长非常推荐&#xff01; &#x1f947;学长这里给一个题目综合评分(每项满分5分) …...


1. 僵尸进程 僵尸进程&#xff08;Zombie Process&#xff09;在操作系统中指的是那些已经执行完毕&#xff0c;但其父进程尚未对其进行善后处理&#xff08;例如读取子进程的状态信息或者执行回收资源的操作&#xff09;的进程。在Unix和类Unix系统&#xff0…...


在JavaScript中&#xff0c;副作用是指对外部环境产生的可观察的变化&#xff0c;例如修改全局变量、修改DOM元素等。副作用的存在可能导致代码的可维护性和可测试性下降&#xff0c;并且在并行计算中可能引发竞争问题。 不纯的函数有可能访问同一块资源&#xff0c;如果先后调…...