原文:Testing with Python (part 8): purity test
如果你要使用综合测试(integrated tests):
def test_add_new_item_to_cart(product, cart):new_product = Product.objects.create(name='New Product', price=15.00)new_cart_item = add_item_to_cart(cart, new_product, 1)assert new_cart_item.cart == cartassert new_cart_item.product == new_productassert new_cart_item.quantity == 1
def test_add_to_cart_endpoint():product_mock = mock()cart_mock = mock()cart_item_mock = mock(quantity=1)user_mock = mock(cart=cart_mock)request_mock = mock(user=user_mock)(when(get_object_or_404).called_with(Product, id=1).thenReturn(product_mock))(when(add_item_to_cart).called_with(cart_mock, product_mock, 1) .thenReturn(cart_item_mock))response = add_to_cart(request_mock, CartSchema(id=1, quantity=1))assert response == {"id": 1, "quantity": 1}
IT领域也有不同的流派,通常有红队和蓝队,例如Mac VS Windows,Python VS Ruby, Vim VS Emacs,…
每个层次都有对立,制表符 VS 空格, 方法 VS函数,是否应该使用 early return,…
对于测试来说, 隔离测试 还是 综合测试(interated test)?
网上有时将“integration tests”和“integrated tests”混用,这会让人困惑。为了避免歧义,本文约定:
- Integrated test(综合测试):对非隔离代码的测试
- Integration test(集成测试):测试部件是否配合,Integration test 是 Integrated test,但反之不成立。
- e2e test(端到端)
- 持续集成:提交代码后, 打包并安装整个系统并进行测试。
API 端点的测试
假设我们有一个使用友好的 django-ninja
库的 HTTP API 端点,用于在购物网站上将产品添加到购物车:
# WARNING: Since the project doesn't actually exist, I write
# this code and the associated tests without running it, so read
# it to get the general idea, don't take it as exactly what
# you should writeimport loggingfrom django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from django.db import transaction
from .models import CartSchema, CartItem, Product
from .endpoints import apilog = logging.getLogger(__name__)@api.post("/cart")
def add_to_cart(request, payload: CartSchema):product = get_object_or_404(Product, id=payload.product_id)# Add an item to the cart if it doesn't exist, or update # the quantity if it does. We do that with locked rows in # a transaction to deal with the potential race condition.with transaction.atomic():locked_qs = CartItem.objects.select_for_update()cart_item = locked_qs.filter(cart=request.user.cart, product=product).first()if cart_item:cart_item.quantity += payload.quantitycart_item.save()else:cart_item = CartItem.objects.create(cart=request.user.cart,product=product,quantity=payload.quantity)log.info('Product %s added to user %s cart',product.id, request.user.id)return {"id": product_id, "quantity": cart_item.quantity}
将使用 Django 测试客户端进行综合测试。由于它将访问测试数据库,因此我们需要fixture:
import pytest
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from ninja.testing import TestClient
from .models import Product, CartItem, Cart
from .endpoints import api@pytest.fixture
def user(db): # db fixture assumed from pytest-djangouser = User.objects.create_user(username='testuser', password='testpass')Cart.objects.create(user=user)return user@pytest.fixture
def client(user):return TestClient(api)@pytest.fixture
def auth_client(client, user):client.authenticate(user)return client@pytest.fixture
def product(db):return Product.objects.create(name='Test Product', price=10.0)@pytest.fixture
def cart_item(db, user, product):return CartItem.objects.create(cart=user.cart, product=product, quantity=1)
- 认证
- 不存在的产品 ID 返回 404。
- 创建了一个不存在的商品购物车。
- 任何现有的商品购物车数量都会增加。
- API 返回格式符合我们的期望。
def test_user_not_authenticated(product, client):payload = {'product_id': product.id, 'quantity': 1}response = client.post('/cart', json=payload)assert response.status_code == 401def test_non_existing_product_raises_404(auth_client):payload = {'product_id': 9999, 'quantity': 1}response = auth_client.post('/cart', json=payload)assert response.status_code == 404def test_cart_item_quantity_incremented(auth_client, product, cart_item):payload = {'product_id': product.id, 'quantity': 1}response = auth_client.post('/cart', json=payload)assert response.status_code == 200cart_item.refresh_from_db()assert cart_item.quantity == 2def test_cart_item_created_if_not_exist(auth_client, product):payload = {'product_id': product.id, 'quantity': 1}response = auth_client.post('/cart', json=payload)cart_item = CartItem.objects.get(cart=user.cart, product=product)assert response.status_code == 200assert cart_item.quantity == 1assert response.json() == {"id": product.id, "quantity": 1}# You may want to write more tests, like if your schema rejects
# properly badly formatted requests, or to check what happens with
# congestions on locked rows but this is enough to make our point.
- 由于它需要处理测试数据库,所以速度较慢。
- 每个测试都依赖于整体。如果一个部分出问题,整个测试套件就会崩溃。
- 改变代码意味着改变所有这些测试,系统的所有部分彼此依赖。
- 测试的内容并不是一眼就能看出来的,因为存在大量干扰。
def add_item_to_cart(cart, product, quantity):"""Create a cart item, or update the quantity an existing one.We do that with locked rows in a transaction to deal with the potential race condition."""with transaction.atomic():locked_qs = CartItem.objects.select_for_update()cart_item = locked_qs.filter(cart=cart, product=product).first()if cart_item:cart_item.quantity += quantitycart_item.save()return cart_itemreturn CartItem.objects.create(cart=request.user.cart,product=product,quantity=quantity)@api.post("/cart")
def add_to_cart(request, payload: CartSchema):product = get_object_or_404(Product, id=product_id)cart_item = add_item_to_cart(request.user.cart, product, quantity)log.info('Product %s added to user %s cart', product_id, request.user.id)return {"id": product_id, "quantity": cart_item.quantity}
def cart(db):user = User.objects.create_user(username='testuser', password='testpass')return Cart.objects.create(user=user)@pytest.fixture
def product(db):return Product.objects.create(name='Test Product', price=10.00)def test_add_existing_item_to_cart(cart, product, cart_item):cart_item = CartItem.objects.create(cart=cart, product=product, quantity=1)updated_cart_item = add_item_to_cart(cart, product, 2)cart_item.refresh_from_db()assert cart_item.quantity == 3assert updated_cart_item == cart_itemdef test_add_new_item_to_cart(product, cart):new_product = Product.objects.create(name='New Product', price=15.00)new_cart_item = add_item_to_cart(cart, new_product, 1)assert new_cart_item.cart == cartassert new_cart_item.product == new_productassert new_cart_item.quantity == 1
import pytest
from mockito import when, mock
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from .views import add_to_cart
from .models import Product, CartItem, User
from .models import CartSchema, CartItem, Productdef test_add_to_cart_endpoint():product_mock = mock()cart_mock = mock()cart_item_mock = mock(quantity=1)user_mock = mock(cart=cart_mock)request_mock = mock(user=user_mock)(when(get_object_or_404).called_with(Product, id=1).thenReturn(product_mock))(when(add_item_to_cart).called_with(cart_mock, product_mock, 1) .thenReturn(cart_item_mock))response = add_to_cart(request_mock, CartSchema(id=1, quantity=1))assert response == {"id": 1, "quantity": 1}
确实,我们不需要测试如果产品不存在,端点是否返回 404 状态码。 get_object_or_404
已经由 Django 测试套件测试过,所以我们可以假设它能正常工作。我们只需要检查我们如何使用它。同样,既然我们已经测试过add_item_to_cart
由于 django-ninja 允许您转储 API 的模式,我们还可以通过一次性检查整个 API 签名来提高我们的弹性
import json
import pytest
from django.urls import reverse
from ninja.testing import TestClient
from .endpoints import api
from pathlib import Pathclient = TestClient(api)
schema_file = Path('api_schema.json')# This is naive and will fail even if you just add an enpoint,
# but you get the idea
def test_api_schema(get_api_schema):if not schema_file.exists():# This command doesn't really exist, but you can code it.pytest.fail(f"API schema missing. Run ./manage.py dump_schema.")current_schema = client.get(reverse("api:schema")).json()saved_schema = json.loads(schema_file.read_text())if current_schema != saved_schema:pytest.fail("API schema has changed. Follow stability policy.")
- 这是集成测试示例
- 这是隔离测试示例
But they are much easier to read because they are a collection of basic concepts.
On the other hand, the isolated tests are more correct: they are actually testing the business logic directly, and not just what the API returns. They can also already warn us when we break our public API in any way, and forever. Since only a fraction touches the DB, they are going to be fast, meaning we have a quick feedback loop.
另一方面,孤立测试更加准确:它们实际上直接测试业务逻辑,而不仅仅是 API 返回的内容。它们还可以在我们以任何方式破坏公共 API 时发出警告,而且是永久的。由于只有一小部分接触数据库,它们将会很快,这意味着我们有一个快速的反馈循环。
But the mock magic makes you stop. Do you really know what happens in there? Is it saving your butt, or are you testing your mocks instead of your code base?
Plus, isolated tests are harder to write, require more experience, and more abstract thinking. They are less code in the long run but will take longer to bootstrap. You can’t delegate them to ChatGPT (or an intern), it will get them completely wrong.
另外,隔离测试更难编写,需要更丰富的经验和更抽象的思维。从长远来看,它们包含的代码更少,但需要更长的启动时间。你不能将它们委托给 ChatGPT(或实习生),否则它会完全错误地执行。
Then again, by nature, you won’t get the combinatorial explosions of all the possible things to test mixing with each other. Your code base will get exponentially more robust and more tested. You won’t lie to yourself about what correctness you cover. As much.
This builds trust incrementally since each test can assume the underlying functions are tested, recursively until you reach the ones actually performing the side effects. You know the ground you cover, and you can rely on this coverage progression.
However, and I’m going to repeat myself, I rarely go full isolated testing.
Most projects are just not that critical. For the typical app, change rates are going to be so fast that having dirty but disposable tests is more important than proving the system is very reliable. Bugs in production will happen, and the boss is likely ok with it although he won’t admit it.
Or rather, his bank account is.
Because the hard truth is very reliable software is super expensive. It takes time, it takes skill, it takes care. Plus, the typical users are quite tolerant of bugs but want features, yet probably don’t want to pay much for them.
If you ever wondered why software is so buggy in general, and the advertising industry so powerful, there it is.
如果你曾经 wondered 为什么软件普遍如此 buggy,广告行业如此强大,这就是原因所在。
Since this is a zero-sum game, spending resources on one thing means you don’t spend it on another. Design is expensive. Ergonomics testing is expensive, marketing is expensive.
If you ever wondered why a super robust FOSS app is very ugly or hard to use, there it is.
On top of that, unlike in many industries, the consequences of user-facing issues are not as high as in the typical nerd mind. Most companies pay little price for a security breach or messages delivered to the wrong user. But don’t tweet the wrong thing, you could lose your head!
If you ever wondered why a bug has not been addressed for years, but the icon pack has been updated 3 times to reflect the current trend, there it is.
如果你曾经想过为什么一个漏洞多年来都没有得到解决,但图标包已经更新了 3 次以反映当前的趋势,那就是原因。
Anyway, a few projects reach a huge user count and have very few bugs at the same time.
无论如何,一些项目能够同时达到巨大的用户数量并且很少出现 bug。

使用 Python 进行测试(8)纯净测试
原文:Testing with Python (part 8): purity test 总结 如果你要使用综合测试(integrated tests): def test_add_new_item_to_cart(product, cart):new_product Product.objects.create(nameNew Product, price15.00)new_cart…...

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