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免费建网站家谱系统,seo交流博客,黄骅市属于哪个市,网上购物网站网站建设分析目录 1、前言2、D*算法2.1简介2.2优缺点2.2.1 优点2.2.2 缺点 2.3 python程序 3、A*算法3.1 优缺点:3.1.1 优点:3.1.2 缺点: 3.2 python程序 4、人工势场算法4.1优缺点4.1.1优点:4.1.2缺点: 4.2 python程序 5、Dijkstr…


  • 1、前言
  • 2、D*算法
    • 2.1简介
    • 2.2优缺点
      • 2.2.1 优点
      • 2.2.2 缺点
    • 2.3 python程序
  • 3、A*算法
    • 3.1 优缺点:
      • 3.1.1 优点:
      • 3.1.2 缺点:
    • 3.2 python程序
  • 4、人工势场算法
    • 4.1优缺点
      • 4.1.1优点:
      • 4.1.2缺点:
    • 4.2 python程序
  • 5、Dijkstra算法
    • 5.1优缺点
      • 5.1.1优点:
      • 5.1.2缺点:
    • 5.2python程序








  1. 初始化:设置起始位置和目标位置,并初始化状态图和代价图。
  2. 通过启发式函数计算起始位置到目标位置的估计代价值,并将起始位置加入到开放列表中。
  3. 进入循环,直到找到最优路径或者无法找到路径:
    a. 选择开放列表中代价最小的位置作为当前位置。
    b. 更新当前位置周围的邻居节点的代价值,并将其加入到开放列表中。
    c. 如果目标位置的代价值发生变化,则重新计算路径。
  4. 根据最终的路径结果进行导航或执行其他操作。


2.2.1 优点

  1. 实时性:D*规划算法能够在运行时根据环境的变化实时更新路径信息,适用于动态环境中的路径规划问题。
  2. 高效性:D*规划算法通过增量式的更新方式,避免了对整个地图进行重新规划,从而减少了计算量,提高了路径规划的效率。
  3. 适应性:D*规划算法能够根据环境的变化自适应地调整路径,可以应对障碍物的移动或新增等情况。

2.2.2 缺点

  1. 初始规划开销较大:D*规划算法需要进行一次全局规划来初始化路径信息,这个过程可能会消耗较多的计算资源和时间。
  2. 对地图信息要求高:D*规划算法需要准确的环境地图信息,如果地图信息不准确或者不完整,可能会导致路径规划结果不理想。
  3. 对计算资源要求高:D*规划算法在实时更新路径信息时需要进行大量的计算,对计算资源要求较高。

2.3 python程序


"""D* grid planningauthor: Nirnay Roy"""
import mathfrom sys import maxsizeimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltshow_animation = Trueclass State:def __init__(self, x, y):self.x = xself.y = yself.parent = Noneself.state = "."self.t = "new"  # tag for stateself.h = 0self.k = 0def cost(self, state):if self.state == "#" or state.state == "#":return maxsizereturn math.sqrt(math.pow((self.x - state.x), 2) +math.pow((self.y - state.y), 2))def set_state(self, state):""".: new#: obstaclee: oparent of current state*: closed states: current state"""if state not in ["s", ".", "#", "e", "*"]:returnself.state = stateclass Map:def __init__(self, row, col):self.row = rowself.col = colself.map = self.init_map()def init_map(self):map_list = []for i in range(self.row):tmp = []for j in range(self.col):tmp.append(State(i, j))map_list.append(tmp)return map_listdef get_neighbors(self, state):state_list = []for i in [-1, 0, 1]:for j in [-1, 0, 1]:if i == 0 and j == 0:continueif state.x + i < 0 or state.x + i >= self.row:continueif state.y + j < 0 or state.y + j >= self.col:continuestate_list.append(self.map[state.x + i][state.y + j])return state_listdef set_obstacle(self, point_list):for x, y in point_list:if x < 0 or x >= self.row or y < 0 or y >= self.col:continueself.map[x][y].set_state("#")class Dstar:def __init__(self, maps):self.map = mapsself.open_list = set()def process_state(self):x = self.min_state()if x is None:return -1k_old = self.get_kmin()self.remove(x)if k_old < x.h:for y in self.map.get_neighbors(x):if y.h <= k_old and x.h > y.h + x.cost(y):x.parent = yx.h = y.h + x.cost(y)elif k_old == x.h:for y in self.map.get_neighbors(x):if y.t == "new" or y.parent == x and y.h != x.h + x.cost(y) \or y.parent != x and y.h > x.h + x.cost(y):y.parent = xself.insert(y, x.h + x.cost(y))else:for y in self.map.get_neighbors(x):if y.t == "new" or y.parent == x and y.h != x.h + x.cost(y):y.parent = xself.insert(y, x.h + x.cost(y))else:if y.parent != x and y.h > x.h + x.cost(y):self.insert(y, x.h)else:if y.parent != x and x.h > y.h + x.cost(y) \and y.t == "close" and y.h > k_old:self.insert(y, y.h)return self.get_kmin()def min_state(self):if not self.open_list:return Nonemin_state = min(self.open_list, key=lambda x: x.k)return min_statedef get_kmin(self):if not self.open_list:return -1k_min = min([x.k for x in self.open_list])return k_mindef insert(self, state, h_new):if state.t == "new":state.k = h_newelif state.t == "open":state.k = min(state.k, h_new)elif state.t == "close":state.k = min(state.h, h_new)state.h = h_newstate.t = "open"self.open_list.add(state)def remove(self, state):if state.t == "open":state.t = "close"self.open_list.remove(state)def modify_cost(self, x):if x.t == "close":self.insert(x, x.parent.h + x.cost(x.parent))def run(self, start, end):rx = []ry = []self.insert(end, 0.0)while True:self.process_state()if start.t == "close":breakstart.set_state("s")s = starts = s.parents.set_state("e")tmp = startwhile tmp != end:tmp.set_state("*")rx.append(tmp.x)ry.append(tmp.y)if show_animation:plt.plot(rx, ry, "-r")plt.pause(0.01)if tmp.parent.state == "#":self.modify(tmp)continuetmp = tmp.parenttmp.set_state("e")return rx, rydef modify(self, state):self.modify_cost(state)while True:k_min = self.process_state()if k_min >= state.h:breakdef main():m = Map(100, 100)ox, oy = [], []for i in range(-10, 60):ox.append(i)oy.append(-10)for i in range(-10, 60):ox.append(60)oy.append(i)for i in range(-10, 61):ox.append(i)oy.append(60)for i in range(-10, 61):ox.append(-10)oy.append(i)for i in range(-10, 40):ox.append(20)oy.append(i)for i in range(0, 40):ox.append(40)oy.append(60 - i)print([(i, j) for i, j in zip(ox, oy)])m.set_obstacle([(i, j) for i, j in zip(ox, oy)])start = [10, 10]goal = [50, 10]if show_animation:plt.plot(ox, oy, ".k")plt.plot(start[0], start[1], "og")plt.plot(goal[0], goal[1], "xb")plt.axis("equal")start = m.map[start[0]][start[1]]end = m.map[goal[0]][goal[1]]dstar = Dstar(m)rx, ry = dstar.run(start, end)if show_animation:plt.plot(rx, ry, "-r")plt.show()if __name__ == '__main__':main()



a. 从开放列表中选择评估函数值最小的节点作为当前节点。
b. 将当前节点从开放列表中移除,并加入到关闭列表中。
c. 对当前节点的相邻节点进行遍历:

3.1 优缺点:

3.1.1 优点:


3.1.2 缺点:


3.2 python程序


"""A* grid planningauthor: Atsushi Sakai(@Atsushi_twi)Nikos Kanargias (nkana@tee.gr)"""import mathimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltshow_animation = Trueclass AStarPlanner:def __init__(self, ox, oy, resolution, rr):"""Initialize grid map for a star planningox: x position list of Obstacles [m]oy: y position list of Obstacles [m]resolution: grid resolution [m]rr: robot radius[m]"""self.resolution = resolutionself.rr = rrself.min_x, self.min_y = 0, 0self.max_x, self.max_y = 0, 0self.obstacle_map = Noneself.x_width, self.y_width = 0, 0self.motion = self.get_motion_model()self.calc_obstacle_map(ox, oy)class Node:def __init__(self, x, y, cost, parent_index):self.x = x  # index of gridself.y = y  # index of gridself.cost = costself.parent_index = parent_indexdef __str__(self):return str(self.x) + "," + str(self.y) + "," + str(self.cost) + "," + str(self.parent_index)def planning(self, sx, sy, gx, gy):"""A star path searchinput:s_x: start x position [m]s_y: start y position [m]gx: goal x position [m]gy: goal y position [m]output:rx: x position list of the final pathry: y position list of the final path"""start_node = self.Node(self.calc_xy_index(sx, self.min_x),self.calc_xy_index(sy, self.min_y), 0.0, -1)goal_node = self.Node(self.calc_xy_index(gx, self.min_x),self.calc_xy_index(gy, self.min_y), 0.0, -1)open_set, closed_set = dict(), dict()open_set[self.calc_grid_index(start_node)] = start_nodewhile True:if len(open_set) == 0:print("Open set is empty..")breakc_id = min(open_set,key=lambda o: open_set[o].cost + self.calc_heuristic(goal_node,open_set[o]))current = open_set[c_id]# show graphif show_animation:  # pragma: no coverplt.plot(self.calc_grid_position(current.x, self.min_x),self.calc_grid_position(current.y, self.min_y), "xc")# for stopping simulation with the esc key.plt.gcf().canvas.mpl_connect('key_release_event',lambda event: [exit(0) if event.key == 'escape' else None])if len(closed_set.keys()) % 10 == 0:plt.pause(0.001)if current.x == goal_node.x and current.y == goal_node.y:print("Find goal")goal_node.parent_index = current.parent_indexgoal_node.cost = current.costbreak# Remove the item from the open setdel open_set[c_id]# Add it to the closed setclosed_set[c_id] = current# expand_grid search grid based on motion modelfor i, _ in enumerate(self.motion):node = self.Node(current.x + self.motion[i][0],current.y + self.motion[i][1],current.cost + self.motion[i][2], c_id)n_id = self.calc_grid_index(node)# If the node is not safe, do nothingif not self.verify_node(node):continueif n_id in closed_set:continueif n_id not in open_set:open_set[n_id] = node  # discovered a new nodeelse:if open_set[n_id].cost > node.cost:# This path is the best until now. record itopen_set[n_id] = noderx, ry = self.calc_final_path(goal_node, closed_set)return rx, rydef calc_final_path(self, goal_node, closed_set):# generate final courserx, ry = [self.calc_grid_position(goal_node.x, self.min_x)], [self.calc_grid_position(goal_node.y, self.min_y)]parent_index = goal_node.parent_indexwhile parent_index != -1:n = closed_set[parent_index]rx.append(self.calc_grid_position(n.x, self.min_x))ry.append(self.calc_grid_position(n.y, self.min_y))parent_index = n.parent_indexreturn rx, ry@staticmethoddef calc_heuristic(n1, n2):w = 1.0  # weight of heuristicd = w * math.hypot(n1.x - n2.x, n1.y - n2.y)return ddef calc_grid_position(self, index, min_position):"""calc grid position:param index::param min_position::return:"""pos = index * self.resolution + min_positionreturn posdef calc_xy_index(self, position, min_pos):return round((position - min_pos) / self.resolution)def calc_grid_index(self, node):return (node.y - self.min_y) * self.x_width + (node.x - self.min_x)def verify_node(self, node):px = self.calc_grid_position(node.x, self.min_x)py = self.calc_grid_position(node.y, self.min_y)if px < self.min_x:return Falseelif py < self.min_y:return Falseelif px >= self.max_x:return Falseelif py >= self.max_y:return False# collision checkif self.obstacle_map[node.x][node.y]:return Falsereturn Truedef calc_obstacle_map(self, ox, oy):self.min_x = round(min(ox))self.min_y = round(min(oy))self.max_x = round(max(ox))self.max_y = round(max(oy))print("min_x:", self.min_x)print("min_y:", self.min_y)print("max_x:", self.max_x)print("max_y:", self.max_y)self.x_width = round((self.max_x - self.min_x) / self.resolution)self.y_width = round((self.max_y - self.min_y) / self.resolution)print("x_width:", self.x_width)print("y_width:", self.y_width)# obstacle map generationself.obstacle_map = [[False for _ in range(self.y_width)]for _ in range(self.x_width)]for ix in range(self.x_width):x = self.calc_grid_position(ix, self.min_x)for iy in range(self.y_width):y = self.calc_grid_position(iy, self.min_y)for iox, ioy in zip(ox, oy):d = math.hypot(iox - x, ioy - y)if d <= self.rr:self.obstacle_map[ix][iy] = Truebreak@staticmethoddef get_motion_model():# dx, dy, costmotion = [[1, 0, 1],[0, 1, 1],[-1, 0, 1],[0, -1, 1],[-1, -1, math.sqrt(2)],[-1, 1, math.sqrt(2)],[1, -1, math.sqrt(2)],[1, 1, math.sqrt(2)]]return motiondef main():print(__file__ + " start!!")# start and goal positionsx = 10.0  # [m]sy = 10.0  # [m]gx = 50.0  # [m]gy = 50.0  # [m]grid_size = 2.0  # [m]robot_radius = 1.0  # [m]# set obstacle positionsox, oy = [], []for i in range(-10, 60):ox.append(i)oy.append(-10.0)for i in range(-10, 60):ox.append(60.0)oy.append(i)for i in range(-10, 61):ox.append(i)oy.append(60.0)for i in range(-10, 61):ox.append(-10.0)oy.append(i)for i in range(-10, 40):ox.append(20.0)oy.append(i)for i in range(0, 40):ox.append(40.0)oy.append(60.0 - i)if show_animation:  # pragma: no coverplt.plot(ox, oy, ".k")plt.plot(sx, sy, "og")plt.plot(gx, gy, "xb")plt.grid(True)plt.axis("equal")a_star = AStarPlanner(ox, oy, grid_size, robot_radius)rx, ry = a_star.planning(sx, sy, gx, gy)if show_animation:  # pragma: no coverplt.plot(rx, ry, "-r")plt.pause(0.001)plt.show()if __name__ == '__main__':main()


Potential Field based path planner是一种基于势场的路径规划算法,它模拟了物体在势场中的运动方式来寻找最优路径。该算法通过将环境划分为障碍物和目标区域,并为每个区域分配一个势能值,来引导机器人或其他移动物体避开障碍物并朝向目标。


  • 定义势能场:将环境划分为障碍物和目标区域,并为每个区域分配一个势能值。通常情况下,障碍物区域的势能值较高,而目标区域的势能值较低。
  • 计算合力:根据机器人当前位置和周围环境的势能值,计算合力。合力由两部分组成:引力和斥力。引力指向目标区域,斥力来自障碍物区域。
  • 更新机器人位置:根据合力的方向和大小,更新机器人的位置。机器人会受到引力的吸引,同时受到斥力的排斥,从而朝着势能值较低的目标区域移动。
  • 重复步骤2和3,直到机器人到达目标区域或无法找到可行路径。



  • 算法简单易实现:该算法的原理相对简单,容易理解和实现。

  • 实时性较好:由于只需要计算当前位置周围的势能值和合力,因此算法具有较好的实时性能。

  • 能够处理动态环境:由于势能场是根据当前环境计算的,因此可以适应动态环境的变化。


  • 容易陷入局部最优:由于算法只考虑当前位置周围的势能值,可能会导致机器人陷入局部最优解,无法找到全局最优路径。
  • 难以处理复杂环境:在存在大量障碍物或复杂形状的环境中,势能场的计算和更新可能变得复杂且耗时。
  • 缺乏路径规划的优化策略:该算法主要通过势能场来引导机器人移动,缺乏对路径规划的优化策略,可能导致路径长度较长或不够平滑。

4.2 python程序


"""Potential Field based path plannerauthor: Atsushi Sakai (@Atsushi_twi)"""from collections import deque
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt# Parameters
KP = 5.0  # attractive potential gain
ETA = 100.0  # repulsive potential gain
AREA_WIDTH = 30.0  # potential area width [m]
# the number of previous positions used to check oscillations
OSCILLATIONS_DETECTION_LENGTH = 3show_animation = Truedef calc_potential_field(gx, gy, ox, oy, reso, rr, sx, sy):minx = min(min(ox), sx, gx) - AREA_WIDTH / 2.0miny = min(min(oy), sy, gy) - AREA_WIDTH / 2.0maxx = max(max(ox), sx, gx) + AREA_WIDTH / 2.0maxy = max(max(oy), sy, gy) + AREA_WIDTH / 2.0xw = int(round((maxx - minx) / reso))yw = int(round((maxy - miny) / reso))# calc each potentialpmap = [[0.0 for i in range(yw)] for i in range(xw)]for ix in range(xw):x = ix * reso + minxfor iy in range(yw):y = iy * reso + minyug = calc_attractive_potential(x, y, gx, gy)uo = calc_repulsive_potential(x, y, ox, oy, rr)uf = ug + uopmap[ix][iy] = ufreturn pmap, minx, minydef calc_attractive_potential(x, y, gx, gy):return 0.5 * KP * np.hypot(x - gx, y - gy)def calc_repulsive_potential(x, y, ox, oy, rr):# search nearest obstacleminid = -1dmin = float("inf")for i, _ in enumerate(ox):d = np.hypot(x - ox[i], y - oy[i])if dmin >= d:dmin = dminid = i# calc repulsive potentialdq = np.hypot(x - ox[minid], y - oy[minid])if dq <= rr:if dq <= 0.1:dq = 0.1return 0.5 * ETA * (1.0 / dq - 1.0 / rr) ** 2else:return 0.0def get_motion_model():# dx, dymotion = [[1, 0],[0, 1],[-1, 0],[0, -1],[-1, -1],[-1, 1],[1, -1],[1, 1]]return motiondef oscillations_detection(previous_ids, ix, iy):previous_ids.append((ix, iy))if (len(previous_ids) > OSCILLATIONS_DETECTION_LENGTH):previous_ids.popleft()# check if contains any duplicates by copying into a setprevious_ids_set = set()for index in previous_ids:if index in previous_ids_set:return Trueelse:previous_ids_set.add(index)return Falsedef potential_field_planning(sx, sy, gx, gy, ox, oy, reso, rr):# calc potential fieldpmap, minx, miny = calc_potential_field(gx, gy, ox, oy, reso, rr, sx, sy)# search pathd = np.hypot(sx - gx, sy - gy)ix = round((sx - minx) / reso)iy = round((sy - miny) / reso)gix = round((gx - minx) / reso)giy = round((gy - miny) / reso)if show_animation:draw_heatmap(pmap)# for stopping simulation with the esc key.plt.gcf().canvas.mpl_connect('key_release_event',lambda event: [exit(0) if event.key == 'escape' else None])plt.plot(ix, iy, "*k")plt.plot(gix, giy, "*m")rx, ry = [sx], [sy]motion = get_motion_model()previous_ids = deque()while d >= reso:minp = float("inf")minix, miniy = -1, -1for i, _ in enumerate(motion):inx = int(ix + motion[i][0])iny = int(iy + motion[i][1])if inx >= len(pmap) or iny >= len(pmap[0]) or inx < 0 or iny < 0:p = float("inf")  # outside areaprint("outside potential!")else:p = pmap[inx][iny]if minp > p:minp = pminix = inxminiy = inyix = minixiy = miniyxp = ix * reso + minxyp = iy * reso + minyd = np.hypot(gx - xp, gy - yp)rx.append(xp)ry.append(yp)if (oscillations_detection(previous_ids, ix, iy)):print("Oscillation detected at ({},{})!".format(ix, iy))breakif show_animation:plt.plot(ix, iy, ".r")plt.pause(0.01)print("Goal!!")return rx, rydef draw_heatmap(data):data = np.array(data).Tplt.pcolor(data, vmax=100.0, cmap=plt.cm.Blues)def main():print("potential_field_planning start")sx = 0.0  # start x position [m]sy = 10.0  # start y positon [m]gx = 30.0  # goal x position [m]gy = 30.0  # goal y position [m]grid_size = 0.5  # potential grid size [m]robot_radius = 50.0  # robot radius [m]ox = [15.0, 5.0, 20.0, 25.0]  # obstacle x position list [m]oy = [25.0, 15.0, 26.0, 25.0]  # obstacle y position list [m]if show_animation:plt.grid(True)plt.axis("equal")# path generation_, _ = potential_field_planning(sx, sy, gx, gy, ox, oy, grid_size, robot_radius)if show_animation:plt.show()if __name__ == '__main__':print(__file__ + " start!!")main()print(__file__ + " Done!!")




  • 创建一个集合S,用于存放已经找到最短路径的节点。 初始化距离数组dist,将起始节点的距离设为0,其他节点的距离设为无穷大。
  • 重复以下步骤,直到集合S包含所有节点:
    a. 从距离数组dist中选择一个距离最小的节点u,将其加入集合S。
    b. 对于节点u的每个邻居节点v,如果通过节点u到达节点v的路径比当前记录的最短路径更短,则更新距离数组dist中节点v的距离。
  • 距离数组dist中记录的就是从起始节点到每个节点的最短路径。



  • 算法保证能够找到最短路径。
  • 可以处理有向图和无向图。
  • 可以处理带有负权边的图,但不能处理带有负权环的图。





"""Grid based Dijkstra planningauthor: Atsushi Sakai(@Atsushi_twi)"""import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mathshow_animation = Trueclass Dijkstra:def __init__(self, ox, oy, resolution, robot_radius):"""Initialize map for a star planningox: x position list of Obstacles [m]oy: y position list of Obstacles [m]resolution: grid resolution [m]rr: robot radius[m]"""self.min_x = Noneself.min_y = Noneself.max_x = Noneself.max_y = Noneself.x_width = Noneself.y_width = Noneself.obstacle_map = Noneself.resolution = resolutionself.robot_radius = robot_radiusself.calc_obstacle_map(ox, oy)self.motion = self.get_motion_model()class Node:def __init__(self, x, y, cost, parent_index):self.x = x  # index of gridself.y = y  # index of gridself.cost = costself.parent_index = parent_index  # index of previous Nodedef __str__(self):return str(self.x) + "," + str(self.y) + "," + str(self.cost) + "," + str(self.parent_index)def planning(self, sx, sy, gx, gy):"""dijkstra path searchinput:s_x: start x position [m]s_y: start y position [m]gx: goal x position [m]gx: goal x position [m]output:rx: x position list of the final pathry: y position list of the final path"""start_node = self.Node(self.calc_xy_index(sx, self.min_x),self.calc_xy_index(sy, self.min_y), 0.0, -1)goal_node = self.Node(self.calc_xy_index(gx, self.min_x),self.calc_xy_index(gy, self.min_y), 0.0, -1)open_set, closed_set = dict(), dict()open_set[self.calc_index(start_node)] = start_nodewhile True:c_id = min(open_set, key=lambda o: open_set[o].cost)current = open_set[c_id]# show graphif show_animation:  # pragma: no coverplt.plot(self.calc_position(current.x, self.min_x),self.calc_position(current.y, self.min_y), "xc")# for stopping simulation with the esc key.plt.gcf().canvas.mpl_connect('key_release_event',lambda event: [exit(0) if event.key == 'escape' else None])if len(closed_set.keys()) % 10 == 0:plt.pause(0.001)if current.x == goal_node.x and current.y == goal_node.y:print("Find goal")goal_node.parent_index = current.parent_indexgoal_node.cost = current.costbreak# Remove the item from the open setdel open_set[c_id]# Add it to the closed setclosed_set[c_id] = current# expand search grid based on motion modelfor move_x, move_y, move_cost in self.motion:node = self.Node(current.x + move_x,current.y + move_y,current.cost + move_cost, c_id)n_id = self.calc_index(node)if n_id in closed_set:continueif not self.verify_node(node):continueif n_id not in open_set:open_set[n_id] = node  # Discover a new nodeelse:if open_set[n_id].cost >= node.cost:# This path is the best until now. record it!open_set[n_id] = noderx, ry = self.calc_final_path(goal_node, closed_set)return rx, rydef calc_final_path(self, goal_node, closed_set):# generate final courserx, ry = [self.calc_position(goal_node.x, self.min_x)], [self.calc_position(goal_node.y, self.min_y)]parent_index = goal_node.parent_indexwhile parent_index != -1:n = closed_set[parent_index]rx.append(self.calc_position(n.x, self.min_x))ry.append(self.calc_position(n.y, self.min_y))parent_index = n.parent_indexreturn rx, rydef calc_position(self, index, minp):pos = index * self.resolution + minpreturn posdef calc_xy_index(self, position, minp):return round((position - minp) / self.resolution)def calc_index(self, node):return (node.y - self.min_y) * self.x_width + (node.x - self.min_x)def verify_node(self, node):px = self.calc_position(node.x, self.min_x)py = self.calc_position(node.y, self.min_y)if px < self.min_x:return Falseif py < self.min_y:return Falseif px >= self.max_x:return Falseif py >= self.max_y:return Falseif self.obstacle_map[node.x][node.y]:return Falsereturn Truedef calc_obstacle_map(self, ox, oy):self.min_x = round(min(ox))self.min_y = round(min(oy))self.max_x = round(max(ox))self.max_y = round(max(oy))print("min_x:", self.min_x)print("min_y:", self.min_y)print("max_x:", self.max_x)print("max_y:", self.max_y)self.x_width = round((self.max_x - self.min_x) / self.resolution)self.y_width = round((self.max_y - self.min_y) / self.resolution)print("x_width:", self.x_width)print("y_width:", self.y_width)# obstacle map generationself.obstacle_map = [[False for _ in range(self.y_width)]for _ in range(self.x_width)]for ix in range(self.x_width):x = self.calc_position(ix, self.min_x)for iy in range(self.y_width):y = self.calc_position(iy, self.min_y)for iox, ioy in zip(ox, oy):d = math.hypot(iox - x, ioy - y)if d <= self.robot_radius:self.obstacle_map[ix][iy] = Truebreak@staticmethoddef get_motion_model():# dx, dy, costmotion = [[1, 0, 1],[0, 1, 1],[-1, 0, 1],[0, -1, 1],[-1, -1, math.sqrt(2)],[-1, 1, math.sqrt(2)],[1, -1, math.sqrt(2)],[1, 1, math.sqrt(2)]]return motiondef main():print(__file__ + " start!!")# start and goal positionsx = -5.0  # [m]sy = -5.0  # [m]gx = 50.0  # [m]gy = 50.0  # [m]grid_size = 2.0  # [m]robot_radius = 1.0  # [m]# set obstacle positionsox, oy = [], []for i in range(-10, 60):ox.append(i)oy.append(-10.0)for i in range(-10, 60):ox.append(60.0)oy.append(i)for i in range(-10, 61):ox.append(i)oy.append(60.0)for i in range(-10, 61):ox.append(-10.0)oy.append(i)for i in range(-10, 40):ox.append(20.0)oy.append(i)for i in range(0, 40):ox.append(40.0)oy.append(60.0 - i)if show_animation:  # pragma: no coverplt.plot(ox, oy, ".k")plt.plot(sx, sy, "og")plt.plot(gx, gy, "xb")plt.grid(True)plt.axis("equal")dijkstra = Dijkstra(ox, oy, grid_size, robot_radius)rx, ry = dijkstra.planning(sx, sy, gx, gy)if show_animation:  # pragma: no coverplt.plot(rx, ry, "-r")plt.pause(0.01)plt.show()if __name__ == '__main__':main()



整个算法的流程是:构建KDTree -> 遍历采样点 -> 查询最近的其他采样点 -> 检查路径可达性 -> 添加边的ID到列表 -> 添加列表到道路地图。

该算法是迪杰斯特拉路径规划算法(Dijkstra Planning Algorithm),用于在给定的地图中寻找起点到目标点的最短路径。算法接受起点和目标点的坐标,以及可能的路径地图、样本坐标列表作为输入。








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