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公司网站案例展示,网搜网,昆明做网站建设方案,元氏网站建设文章目录前言Matrix MarketMatlab IORead dataWrite data测试C IORead and write dataDownload MatrixIO 代码下载参考网址前言 一般情况集成了一个线性求解器(Axb),我们需要验证其性能和精度,这时需要大量数据来做验证&#xff…


    • 前言
    • Matrix Market
    • Matlab IO
      • Read data
      • Write data
      • 测试
    • C++ IO
      • Read and write data
    • Download Matrix
    • IO 代码下载
    • 参考网址


一般情况集成了一个线性求解器(Ax=b),我们需要验证其性能和精度,这时需要大量数据来做验证, 尤其是有不同性质的矩阵 AAA 的数据,例如:稀疏性, 对称性, 正定性, 对角占优等。

Matrix Market

Matrix Market
Matrix Market 网站提供了友好的接口和数据, 方便我们验证求解器的精度和性能,尤其是对各种性质的矩阵 AAA 都有很多数据, 包含不同维数。

Matlab IO

Read data

function  [A,rows,cols,entries,rep,field,symm] = mmread(filename)
% function  [A] = mmread(filename)
% function  [A,rows,cols,entries,rep,field,symm] = mmread(filename)
%      Reads the contents of the Matrix Market file 'filename'
%      into the matrix 'A'.  'A' will be either sparse or full,
%      depending on the Matrix Market format indicated by
%      'coordinate' (coordinate sparse storage), or
%      'array' (dense array storage).  The data will be duplicated
%      as appropriate if symmetry is indicated in the header.
%      Optionally, size information about the matrix can be 
%      obtained by using the return values rows, cols, and
%      entries, where entries is the number of nonzero entries
%      in the final matrix. Type information can also be retrieved
%      using the optional return values rep (representation), field,
%      and symm (symmetry).
%mmfile = fopen(filename,'r');
if ( mmfile == -1 )disp(filename);error('File not found');
end;header = fgets(mmfile);
if (header == -1 )error('Empty file.')
end% NOTE: If using a version of Matlab for which strtok is not
%       defined, substitute 'gettok' for 'strtok' in the 
%       following lines, and download gettok.m from the
%       Matrix Market site.    
[head0,header]   = strtok(header);  % see note above
[head1,header]   = strtok(header);
[rep,header]     = strtok(header);
[field,header]   = strtok(header);
[symm,header]    = strtok(header);
head1 = lower(head1);
rep   = lower(rep);
field = lower(field);
symm  = lower(symm);
if ( length(symm) == 0 )disp(['Not enough words in header line of file ',filename]) disp('Recognized format: ')disp('%%MatrixMarket matrix representation field symmetry')error('Check header line.')
if ( ~ strcmp(head0,'%%MatrixMarket') )error('Not a valid MatrixMarket header.')
if (  ~ strcmp(head1,'matrix') )disp(['This seems to be a MatrixMarket ',head1,' file.']);disp('This function only knows how to read MatrixMarket matrix files.');disp('  ');error('  ');
end% Read through comments, ignoring themcommentline = fgets(mmfile);
while length(commentline) > 0 & commentline(1) == '%',commentline = fgets(mmfile);
end% Read size information, then branch according to
% sparse or dense formatif ( strcmp(rep,'coordinate')) %  read matrix given in sparse %  coordinate matrix format[sizeinfo,count] = sscanf(commentline,'%d%d%d');while ( count == 0 )commentline =  fgets(mmfile);if (commentline == -1 )error('End-of-file reached before size information was found.')end[sizeinfo,count] = sscanf(commentline,'%d%d%d');if ( count > 0 & count ~= 3 )error('Invalid size specification line.')endendrows = sizeinfo(1);cols = sizeinfo(2);entries = sizeinfo(3);if  ( strcmp(field,'real') )               % real valued entries:[T,count] = fscanf(mmfile,'%f',3);T = [T; fscanf(mmfile,'%f')];if ( size(T) ~= 3*entries )message = ...str2mat('Data file does not contain expected amount of data.',...'Check that number of data lines matches nonzero count.');disp(message);error('Invalid data.');endT = reshape(T,3,entries)';A = sparse(T(:,1), T(:,2), T(:,3), rows , cols);elseif   ( strcmp(field,'complex'))            % complex valued entries:T = fscanf(mmfile,'%f',4);T = [T; fscanf(mmfile,'%f')];if ( size(T) ~= 4*entries )message = ...str2mat('Data file does not contain expected amount of data.',...'Check that number of data lines matches nonzero count.');disp(message);error('Invalid data.');endT = reshape(T,4,entries)';A = sparse(T(:,1), T(:,2), T(:,3) + T(:,4)*sqrt(-1), rows , cols);elseif  ( strcmp(field,'pattern'))    % pattern matrix (no values given):T = fscanf(mmfile,'%f',2);T = [T; fscanf(mmfile,'%f')];if ( size(T) ~= 2*entries )message = ...str2mat('Data file does not contain expected amount of data.',...'Check that number of data lines matches nonzero count.');disp(message);error('Invalid data.');endT = reshape(T,2,entries)';A = sparse(T(:,1), T(:,2), ones(entries,1) , rows , cols);endelseif ( strcmp(rep,'array') ) %  read matrix given in dense %  array (column major) format[sizeinfo,count] = sscanf(commentline,'%d%d');while ( count == 0 )commentline =  fgets(mmfile);if (commentline == -1 )error('End-of-file reached before size information was found.')end[sizeinfo,count] = sscanf(commentline,'%d%d');if ( count > 0 & count ~= 2 )error('Invalid size specification line.')endendrows = sizeinfo(1);cols = sizeinfo(2);entries = rows*cols;if  ( strcmp(field,'real') )               % real valued entries:A = fscanf(mmfile,'%f',1);A = [A; fscanf(mmfile,'%f')];if ( strcmp(symm,'symmetric') | strcmp(symm,'hermitian') | strcmp(symm,'skew-symmetric') ) for j=1:cols-1,currenti = j*rows;A = [A(1:currenti); zeros(j,1);A(currenti+1:length(A))];endelseif ( ~ strcmp(symm,'general') )disp('Unrecognized symmetry')disp(symm)disp('Recognized choices:')disp('   symmetric')disp('   hermitian')disp('   skew-symmetric')disp('   general')error('Check symmetry specification in header.');endA = reshape(A,rows,cols);elseif  ( strcmp(field,'complex'))         % complx valued entries:tmpr = fscanf(mmfile,'%f',1);tmpi = fscanf(mmfile,'%f',1);A  = tmpr+tmpi*i;for j=1:entries-1tmpr = fscanf(mmfile,'%f',1);tmpi = fscanf(mmfile,'%f',1);A  = [A; tmpr + tmpi*i];endif ( strcmp(symm,'symmetric') | strcmp(symm,'hermitian') | strcmp(symm,'skew-symmetric') ) for j=1:cols-1,currenti = j*rows;A = [A(1:currenti); zeros(j,1);A(currenti+1:length(A))];endelseif ( ~ strcmp(symm,'general') )disp('Unrecognized symmetry')disp(symm)disp('Recognized choices:')disp('   symmetric')disp('   hermitian')disp('   skew-symmetric')disp('   general')error('Check symmetry specification in header.');endA = reshape(A,rows,cols);elseif  ( strcmp(field,'pattern'))    % pattern (makes no sense for dense)disp('Matrix type:',field)error('Pattern matrix type invalid for array storage format.');else                                 % Unknown matrix typedisp('Matrix type:',field)error('Invalid matrix type specification. Check header against MM documentation.');end
% If symmetric, skew-symmetric or Hermitian, duplicate lower
% triangular part and modify entries as appropriate:
%if ( strcmp(symm,'symmetric') )A = A + A.' - diag(diag(A));entries = nnz(A);
elseif ( strcmp(symm,'hermitian') )A = A + A' - diag(diag(A));entries = nnz(A);
elseif ( strcmp(symm,'skew-symmetric') )A = A - A';entries = nnz(A);
% Done.

Write data

function [ err ] = mmwrite(filename,A,comment,field,precision)
% Function: mmwrite(filename,A,comment,field,precision)
%    Writes the sparse or dense matrix A to a Matrix Market (MM) 
%    formatted file.
% Required arguments: 
%                 filename  -  destination file
%                 A         -  sparse or full matrix
% Optional arguments: 
%                 comment   -  matrix of comments to prepend to
%                              the MM file.  To build a comment matrix,
%                              use str2mat. For example:
%                              comment = str2mat(' Comment 1' ,...
%                                                ' Comment 2',...
%                                                ' and so on.',...
%                                                ' to attach a date:',...
%                                                [' ',date]);
%                              If ommitted, a single line date stamp comment
%                              will be included.
%                 field     -  'real'
%                              'complex'
%                              'integer'
%                              'pattern'
%                              If ommitted, data will determine type.
%                 precision -  number of digits to display for real 
%                              or complex values
%                              If ommitted, full working precision is used.
%if ( nargin == 5) precision = 16;
elseif ( nargin == 4) precision = 16;
elseif ( nargin == 3) mattype = 'real'; % placeholder, will check after FIND-ing Aprecision = 16;
elseif ( nargin == 2) comment = '';% Check whether there is an imaginary part:mattype = 'real'; % placeholder, will check after FIND-ing Aprecision = 16;
endmmfile = fopen([filename],'w');
if ( mmfile == -1 )error('Cannot open file for output');
end;[M,N] = size(A);%%%%%%%%%%%%%       This part for sparse matrices     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if ( issparse(A) )[I,J,V] = find(A);if ( sum(abs(imag(nonzeros(V)))) > 0 )Vreal = 0; else Vreal = 1; endif ( ~ strcmp(mattype,'pattern') & Vreal )mattype = 'real'; elseif ( ~ strcmp(mattype,'pattern') )mattype = 'complex';end
% Determine symmetry:
%if ( M ~= N )symm = 'general';issymm = 0;NZ = length(V);elseissymm = 1;NZ = length(V);for i=1:NZif ( A(J(i),I(i)) ~= V(i) )issymm = 0;break;endendif ( issymm )symm = 'symmetric';ATEMP = tril(A);[I,J,V] = find(ATEMP);NZ = nnz(ATEMP);elseisskew = 1;for i=1:NZif ( A(J(i),I(i)) ~= - V(i) )isskew = 0;break;endendif ( isskew )symm = 'skew-symmetric';ATEMP = tril(A);[I,J,V] = find(ATEMP);NZ = nnz(ATEMP);elseif ( strcmp(mattype,'complex') )isherm = 1;for i=1:NZif ( A(J(i),I(i)) ~= conj(V(i)) )isherm = 0;break;endendif ( isherm )symm = 'hermitian';ATEMP = tril(A);[I,J,V] = find(ATEMP);NZ = nnz(ATEMP);else symm = 'general';NZ = nnz(A);endelsesymm = 'general';NZ = nnz(A);endendend% Sparse coordinate format:rep = 'coordinate';fprintf(mmfile,'%%%%MatrixMarket matrix %s %s %s\n',rep,mattype,symm);[MC,NC] = size(comment);if ( MC == 0 )fprintf(mmfile,'%% Generated %s\n',[date]);elsefor i=1:MC,fprintf(mmfile,'%%%s\n',comment(i,:));endendfprintf(mmfile,'%d %d %d\n',M,N,NZ);cplxformat = sprintf('%%d %%d %% .%dg %% .%dg\n',precision,precision);realformat = sprintf('%%d %%d %% .%dg\n',precision);if ( strcmp(mattype,'real') )for i=1:NZfprintf(mmfile,realformat,I(i),J(i),V(i));end;elseif ( strcmp(mattype,'complex') )for i=1:NZfprintf(mmfile,cplxformat,I(i),J(i),real(V(i)),imag(V(i)));end;elseif ( strcmp(mattype,'pattern') )for i=1:NZfprintf(mmfile,'%d %d\n',I(i),J(i));end;else  err = -1;disp('Unsupported mattype:')mattypeend;%%%%%%%%%%%%%       This part for dense matrices      %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
elseif ( sum(abs(imag(nonzeros(A)))) > 0 )Areal = 0; else Areal = 1; endif ( ~strcmp(mattype,'pattern') & Areal )mattype = 'real';elseif ( ~strcmp(mattype,'pattern')  )mattype = 'complex';end
% Determine symmetry:
%if ( M ~= N )issymm = 0;symm = 'general';elseissymm = 1;for j=1:N for i=j+1:Nif (A(i,j) ~= A(j,i) )issymm = 0;   break; endendif ( ~ issymm ) break; endendif ( issymm )symm = 'symmetric';elseisskew = 1;for j=1:N for i=j+1:Nif (A(i,j) ~= - A(j,i) )isskew = 0;   break; endendif ( ~ isskew ) break; endendif ( isskew )symm = 'skew-symmetric';elseif ( strcmp(mattype,'complex') )isherm = 1;for j=1:N for i=j+1:Nif (A(i,j) ~= conj(A(j,i)) )isherm = 0;   break; endendif ( ~ isherm ) break; endendif ( isherm )symm = 'hermitian';else symm = 'general';endelsesymm = 'general';endendend% Dense array format:rep = 'array';[MC,NC] = size(comment);fprintf(mmfile,'%%%%MatrixMarket matrix %s %s %s\n',rep,mattype,symm);for i=1:MC,fprintf(mmfile,'%%%s\n',comment(i,:));end;fprintf(mmfile,'%d %d\n',M,N);cplxformat = sprintf('%% .%dg %% .%dg\n', precision,precision);realformat = sprintf('%% .%dg\n', precision);if ( ~ strcmp(symm,'general') )rowloop = 'j';else rowloop = '1';endif ( strcmp(mattype,'real') )for j=1:Nfor i=eval(rowloop):Mfprintf(mmfile,realformat,A(i,j));endendelseif ( strcmp(mattype,'complex') )for j=1:Nfor i=eval(rowloop):Mfprintf(mmfile,cplxformat,real(A(i,j)),imag(A(i,j)));endendelseif ( strcmp(mattype,'pattern') )err = -2disp('Pattern type inconsistant with dense matrix')elseerr = -2disp('Unknown matrix type:')mattypeend


% 读取 bcsstk14.mtx 的矩阵信息存储于矩阵 A 中, rows cols 分别是行列
[A,rows,cols,entries,rep,field,symm] = mmread("bcsstk14.mtx");
% 将矩阵 A 写到 data.txt 文件中
mmwrite("data.txt", A, field)
[A2,rows,cols,entries,rep,field,symm] = mmread("data.txt");
error = A - A2;
error_norm = norm(error, 2)

C++ IO

在 网址 C++ IO 下载 mmio.hmmio.c 文件

Read and write data

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "mmio.h"
#include <stdio.h>using namespace std;int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#if 1// read datastring fileName = "../data/bcsstk14.mtx"; int ret_code;MM_typecode matcode;FILE *f;int M, N, nz;   int i, *I, *J;double *val;map<unsigned int, map<unsigned int, double> > A; // Storage in triplet mode, <row <col val> > ; A's id from zeroif ((f = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "r")) == NULL) {cerr<<"read file error, please check."<<endl;exit(1);}if (mm_read_banner(f, &matcode) != 0){printf("Could not process Matrix Market banner.\n");exit(1);}/*  This is how one can screen matrix types if their application *//*  only supports a subset of the Matrix Market data types.      */if (mm_is_complex(matcode) && mm_is_matrix(matcode) && mm_is_sparse(matcode) ) {printf("Sorry, this application does not support ");printf("Market Market type: [%s]\n", mm_typecode_to_str(matcode));exit(1);}/* find out size of sparse matrix .... */if ((ret_code = mm_read_mtx_crd_size(f, &M, &N, &nz)) !=0) {exit(1);}/* reseve memory for matrices */I = (int *) malloc(nz * sizeof(int));J = (int *) malloc(nz * sizeof(int));val = (double *) malloc(nz * sizeof(double));/* NOTE: when reading in doubles, ANSI C requires the use of the "l"  *//*   specifier as in "%lg", "%lf", "%le", otherwise errors will occur *//*  (ANSI C X3.159-1989, Sec., p. 136 lines 13-15)            */for (i=0; i<nz; i++) {fscanf(f, "%d %d %lg\n", &I[i], &J[i], &val[i]);I[i]--;  /* adjust from 1-based to 0-based */J[i]--;}if (f != stdin)  {fclose(f);}/************************//* now write out matrix *//************************/mm_write_banner(stdout, matcode);mm_write_mtx_crd_size(stdout, M, N, nz);for (i=0; i<nz; i++) {//fprintf(stdout, "%d %d %20.19g\n", I[i]+1, J[i]+1, val[i]);A[I[i]][J[i]] = val[i];}#endif#if 0// write dataconst int nz = 4;const int M = 10;const int N = 10;MM_typecode matcode;                        int I[nz] = { 0, 4, 2, 8 };int J[nz] = { 3, 8, 7, 5 };double val[nz] = {1.1, 2.2, 3.2, 4.4};int i;mm_initialize_typecode(&matcode);mm_set_matrix(&matcode);mm_set_coordinate(&matcode);mm_set_real(&matcode);mm_write_banner(stdout, matcode); mm_write_mtx_crd_size(stdout, M, N, nz);/* NOTE: matrix market files use 1-based indices, i.e. first elementof a vector has index 1, not 0.  */for (i=0; i<nz; i++) {fprintf(stdout, "%d %d %10.3g\n", I[i]+1, J[i]+1, val[i]);}
#endifreturn 0;

Download Matrix

在网址的主页面可以看到 Search by matrix properties


在之后的红色框中选择所需要的矩阵性质 回车即可。

最后利用前面介绍的 IO 的代码, 即可把矩阵导入到自己的线性求解器中, 作为验证。

IO 代码下载

以上的所有代码包括一个测试的例子均可以到我的 GitHub 网页下载,其中包含 MakeFile文件。


Matrix Market : https://math.nist.gov/MatrixMarket/



文章目录前言Matrix MarketMatlab IORead dataWrite data测试C IORead and write dataDownload MatrixIO 代码下载参考网址前言 一般情况集成了一个线性求解器&#xff08;Axb&#xff09;&#xff0c;我们需要验证其性能和精度&#xff0c;这时需要大量数据来做验证&#xff…...

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【蓝桥杯】第十四届蓝桥杯模拟赛(第三期)C++ (弱go的记录,有问题的话求指点)

博主是菜鸡啦&#xff0c;代码仅供参考&#xff0c;只确定能过样例&#xff0c;嘻嘻~第一题&#xff0c;填空题问题描述请找到一个大于 2022 的最小数&#xff0c;这个数转换成十六进制之后&#xff0c;所有的数位&#xff08;不含前导 0&#xff09;都为字母&#xff08;A 到 …...


目录 题目一&#xff1a;力扣547题&#xff0c;求省份数量 题目二&#xff1a;岛屿数量 题目三&#xff1a;岛屿数量拓展 什么是并查集&#xff0c;举个简单的例子。学生考试通常会以60分为及格分数&#xff0c;我们将60分及以上的人归类为及格学生&#xff0c;而60分以下归…...


TypeScript 核心 类型注解 知道&#xff1a;TypeScript 类型注解 示例代码&#xff1a; // 约定变量 age 的类型为 number 类型 let age: number 18 age 19: number 就是类型注解&#xff0c;它为变量提供类型约束。约定了什么类型&#xff0c;就只能给该变量赋值什么类型的…...


以全球变暖为主要特征的气候变化已成为全球性环境问题&#xff0c;对全球可持续发展带来严峻挑战。2015年多国在《巴黎协定》上明确提出缔约方应尽快实现碳达峰和碳中和目标。2019年第49届 IPCC全会明确增加了基于卫星遥感的排放清单校验方法。随着碳中和目标以及全球碳盘点的现…...

外卖点餐系统小程序 PHP+UniAPP

一、介绍 本项目是给某大学餐厅开发的外面点餐系统&#xff0c;该项目针对校内的学生&#xff0c;配送由学校的学生负责配送。因此&#xff0c;该项目不同于互联网的外卖点餐系统。 该系统支持属于 Saas 系统&#xff0c;由平台端、商家端、用户端、以及配送端组成。 其中&a…...


一、定义官网&#xff1a;Vuex 是什么&#xff1f; | Vuex (vuejs.org)Vuex 是一个专为 Vue.js 应用程序开发的状态管理模式。它采用集中式存储管理应用的所有组件的状态&#xff0c;并以相应的规则保证状态以一种可预测的方式发生变化。二、安装cdn<script src"/path/…...

windows 自带端口转发

使用Portproxy模式下的Netsh命令即能实现Windows系统中的端口转发&#xff0c;转发命令如下: netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress[localaddress] listenport[localport] connectaddress[destaddress]listenaddress – 等待连接的本地ip地址 listenport – 本…...



2.9.1 Packet Tracer - Basic Switch and End Device Configuration(作业)

Packet Tracer - 交换机和终端设备的基本 配置地址分配表目标使用命令行界面 (CLI)&#xff0c;在两台思科互联网络 操作系统 (IOS) 交换机上配置主机名和 IP 地址。使用思科 IOS 命令指定或限制对设备 配置的访问。使用 IOS 命令来保存当前的运行配置。配置两台主机设备的 IP …...

AtCoder Beginner Contest 216(F)

F - Max Sum Counting 链接&#xff1a; F - Max Sum Counting 题意 两个 大小为 nnn 的序列 aiaiai 和 bibibi&#xff0c;任意选取一些下标 iii&#xff0c;求 max⁡(ai)>∑bi\max(ai) > \sum{bi}max(ai)>∑bi的方案数。 解析 首先考虑状态 一是和&#xff0c;…...


StreamAPI 一、Stream特点 Stream是数据渠道&#xff0c;用于操作数据源&#xff08;集合、数组等&#xff09;所生成的元素序列。“集合讲的是数据&#xff0c;负责存储数据&#xff0c;Stream流讲的是计算&#xff0c;负责处理数据&#xff01;” 注意&#xff1a; ①Str…...


大家好&#xff0c;我是阿赵 之前介绍过各种光照模型的实现方法。那些光照模型的实现虽然有算法上的不同&#xff0c;但基本上都是灯光方向和法线方向的计算得出的明暗结果。 下面介绍一种叫做MatCap的模拟光照效果&#xff0c;这种方式计算非常简单&#xff0c;脱离灯光的计算…...


一、 PG异常状态说明 1、 PG状态介绍 可以通过ceph pg stat命令查看PG当前状态&#xff0c;健康状态为“active clean” [rootrbd01 ~]# ceph pg stat 192 pgs: 192 activeclean; 1.3 KiB data, 64 MiB used, 114 GiB / 120 GiB avail; 85 B/s rd, 0 op/s2、pg常见状态 状…...

SAPUI5开发01_01-Installing Eclipse

1.0 简要要求概述: 本节您将安装SAPUI 5,以及如何在Eclipse Juno中集成SAPUI 5工具。 1.1 安装JDK JDK 是一种用于构建在 Java 平台上发布的应用程序、Applet 和组件的开发环境,即编写 Java 程序必须使用 JDK,它提供了编译和运行 Java 程序的环境。 在安装 JDK 之前,首…...


QQ或360安全卫士的设置界面都是非常有特点的,所有的配置项都在一个垂直的ScrollArea中,但是又能通过左侧的导航栏点击定位。这样做的好处是既方便查看指定配置项,又方便查看所有配置项。 一.效果 下面左边是当前最新版QQ的系统设置界面,右边是我的高仿版本,几乎一毛一样…...