- CUDA中的数学方法
- 1. Standard Functions
- Single-Precision Floating-Point Functions
- Double-Precision Floating-Point Functions
- 2. Intrinsic Functions
- Single-Precision Floating-Point Functions
- Double-Precision Floating-Point Functions
参考手册列出了设备代码中支持的 C/C++ 标准库数学函数的所有函数及其描述,以及所有内部函数(仅在设备代码中支持)。
本附录在适用时提供了其中一些功能的准确性信息。它使用 ULP 进行量化。有关最后位置单元 (ULP: Unit in the Last Place, 上面是直译的,这里可以理解为最小精度单元) 定义的更多信息,请参阅 Jean-Michel Muller’s paper On the definition of ulp(x), RR-5504, LIP RR-2005-09, INRIA, LIP. 2005, pp.16 at https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00070503/document
设备代码中支持的数学函数不设置全局 errno
1. Standard Functions
Single-Precision Floating-Point Functions
加法和乘法符合 IEEE 标准,因此最大误差为 0.5 ulp。
将单精度浮点操作数舍入为整数的推荐方法是 rintf()
,而不是 roundf()
。 原因是 roundf()
映射到设备上的 4 条指令序列,而 rintf()
映射到单个指令。 truncf()
和 floorf()
Function | Maximum ulp error |
x+y | 0 (IEEE-754 round-to-nearest-even) |
x*y | 0 (IEEE-754 round-to-nearest-even) |
x/y | 0 for compute capability ≥ 2 when compiled with -prec-div=true 2 (full range), otherwise |
1/x | 0 for compute capability ≥ 2 when compiled with -prec-div=true 1 (full range), otherwise |
rsqrtf(x) 1/sqrtf(x) | 2 (full range) Applies to 1/sqrtf(x) only when it is converted to rsqrtf(x) by the compiler. |
sqrtf(x) | 0 when compiled with -prec-sqrt=true Otherwise 1 for compute capability ≥ 5.2 and 3 for older architectures |
cbrtf(x) | 1 (full range) |
rcbrtf(x) | 1 (full range) |
hypotf(x,y) | 3 (full range) |
rhypotf(x,y) | 2 (full range) |
norm3df(x,y,z) | 3 (full range) |
rnorm3df(x,y,z) | 2 (full range) |
norm4df(x,y,z,t) | 3 (full range) |
rnorm4df(x,y,z,t) | 2 (full range) |
normf(dim,arr) | An error bound can't be provided because a fast algorithm is used with accuracy loss due to round-off |
rnormf(dim,arr) | An error bound can't be provided because a fast algorithm is used with accuracy loss due to round-off |
expf(x) | 2 (full range) |
exp2f(x) | 2 (full range) |
exp10f(x) | 2 (full range) |
expm1f(x) | 1 (full range) |
logf(x) | 1 (full range) |
log2f(x) | 1 (full range) |
log10f(x) | 2 (full range) |
log1pf(x) | 1 (full range) |
sinf(x) | 2 (full range) |
cosf(x) | 2 (full range) |
tanf(x) | 4 (full range) |
sincosf(x,sptr,cptr) | 2 (full range) |
sinpif(x) | 2 (full range) |
cospif(x) | 2 (full range) |
sincospif(x,sptr,cptr) | 2 (full range) |
asinf(x) | 4 (full range) |
acosf(x) | 3 (full range) |
atanf(x) | 2 (full range) |
atan2f(y,x) | 3 (full range) |
sinhf(x) | 3 (full range) |
coshf(x) | 2 (full range) |
tanhf(x) | 2 (full range) |
asinhf(x) | 3 (full range) |
acoshf(x) | 4 (full range) |
atanhf(x) | 3 (full range) |
powf(x,y) | 9 (full range) |
erff(x) | 2 (full range) |
erfcf(x) | 4 (full range) |
erfinvf(x) | 2 (full range) |
erfcinvf(x) | 4 (full range) |
erfcxf(x) | 4 (full range) |
normcdff(x) | 5 (full range) |
normcdfinvf(x) | 5 (full range) |
lgammaf(x) | 6 (outside interval -10.001 ... -2.264; larger inside) |
tgammaf(x) | 11 (full range) |
fmaf(x,y,z) | 0 (full range) |
frexpf(x,exp) | 0 (full range) |
ldexpf(x,exp) | 0 (full range) |
scalbnf(x,n) | 0 (full range) |
scalblnf(x,l) | 0 (full range) |
logbf(x) | 0 (full range) |
ilogbf(x) | 0 (full range) |
j0f(x) | 9 for |x| < 8 otherwise, the maximum absolute error is 2.2 x 10-6 |
j1f(x) | 9 for |x| < 8 otherwise, the maximum absolute error is 2.2 x 10-6 |
jnf(n,x) | For n = 128, the maximum absolute error is 2.2 x 10-6 |
y0f(x) | 9 for |x| < 8 otherwise, the maximum absolute error is 2.2 x 10-6 |
y1f(x) | 9 for |x| < 8 otherwise, the maximum absolute error is 2.2 x 10-6 |
ynf(n,x) | ceil(2 + 2.5n) for |x| < n otherwise, the maximum absolute error is 2.2 x 10-6 |
cyl_bessel_i0f(x) | 6 (full range) |
cyl_bessel_i1f(x) | 6 (full range) |
fmodf(x,y) | 0 (full range) |
remainderf(x,y) | 0 (full range) |
remquof(x,y,iptr) | 0 (full range) |
modff(x,iptr) | 0 (full range) |
fdimf(x,y) | 0 (full range) |
truncf(x) | 0 (full range) |
roundf(x) | 0 (full range) |
rintf(x) | 0 (full range) |
nearbyintf(x) | 0 (full range) |
ceilf(x) | 0 (full range) |
floorf(x) | 0 (full range) |
lrintf(x) | 0 (full range) |
lroundf(x) | 0 (full range) |
llrintf(x) | 0 (full range) |
llroundf(x) | 0 (full range) |
Double-Precision Floating-Point Functions
将双精度浮点操作数舍入为整数的推荐方法是 rint()
,而不是 round()
。 原因是 round()
映射到设备上的 5 条指令序列,而 rint()
映射到单个指令。 trunc()、ceil() 和 floor()
Function | Maximum ulp error |
x+y | 0 (IEEE-754 round-to-nearest-even) |
x*y | 0 (IEEE-754 round-to-nearest-even) |
x/y | 0 (IEEE-754 round-to-nearest-even) |
1/x | 0 (IEEE-754 round-to-nearest-even) |
sqrt(x) | 0 (IEEE-754 round-to-nearest-even) |
rsqrt(x) | 1 (full range) |
cbrt(x) | 1 (full range) |
rcbrt(x) | 1 (full range) |
hypot(x,y) | 2 (full range) |
rhypot(x,y) | 1 (full range) |
norm3d(x,y,z) | 2 (full range) |
rnorm3d(x,y,z) | 1 (full range) |
norm4d(x,y,z,t) | 2 (full range) |
rnorm4d(x,y,z,t) | 1 (full range) |
norm(dim,arr) | An error bound can't be provided because a fast algorithm is used with accuracy loss due to round-off |
rnorm(dim,arr) | An error bound can't be provided because a fast algorithm is used with accuracy loss due to round-off |
exp(x) | 1 (full range) |
exp2(x) | 1 (full range) |
exp10(x) | 1 (full range) |
expm1(x) | 1 (full range) |
log(x) | 1 (full range) |
log2(x) | 1 (full range) |
log10(x) | 1 (full range) |
log1p(x) | 1 (full range) |
sin(x) | 2 (full range) |
cos(x) | 2 (full range) |
tan(x) | 2 (full range) |
sincos(x,sptr,cptr) | 2 (full range) |
sinpi(x) | 2 (full range) |
cospi(x) | 2 (full range) |
sincospi(x,sptr,cptr) | 2 (full range) |
asin(x) | 2 (full range) |
acos(x) | 2 (full range) |
atan(x) | 2 (full range) |
atan2(y,x) | 2 (full range) |
sinh(x) | 2 (full range) |
cosh(x) | 1 (full range) |
tanh(x) | 1 (full range) |
asinh(x) | 2 (full range) |
acosh(x) | 2 (full range) |
atanh(x) | 2 (full range) |
pow(x,y) | 2 (full range) |
erf(x) | 2 (full range) |
erfc(x) | 5 (full range) |
erfinv(x) | 5 (full range) |
erfcinv(x) | 6 (full range) |
erfcx(x) | 4 (full range) |
normcdf(x) | 5 (full range) |
normcdfinv(x) | 8 (full range) |
lgamma(x) | 4 (outside interval -11.0001 ... -2.2637; larger inside) |
tgamma(x) | 8 (full range) |
fma(x,y,z) | 0 (IEEE-754 round-to-nearest-even) |
frexp(x,exp) | 0 (full range) |
ldexp(x,exp) | 0 (full range) |
scalbn(x,n) | 0 (full range) |
scalbln(x,l) | 0 (full range) |
logb(x) | 0 (full range) |
ilogb(x) | 0 (full range) |
j0(x) | 7 for |x| < 8 otherwise, the maximum absolute error is 5 x 10-12 |
j1(x) | 7 for |x| < 8 otherwise, the maximum absolute error is 5 x 10-12 |
jn(n,x) | For n = 128, the maximum absolute error is 5 x 10-12 |
y0(x) | 7 for |x| < 8 otherwise, the maximum absolute error is 5 x 10-12 |
y1(x) | 7 for |x| < 8 otherwise, the maximum absolute error is 5 x 10-12 |
yn(n,x) | For |x| > 1.5n, the maximum absolute error is 5 x 10-12 |
cyl_bessel_i0(x) | 6 (full range) |
cyl_bessel_i1(x) | 6 (full range) |
fmod(x,y) | 0 (full range) |
remainder(x,y) | 0 (full range) |
remquo(x,y,iptr) | 0 (full range) |
modf(x,iptr) | 0 (full range) |
fdim(x,y) | 0 (full range) |
trunc(x) | 0 (full range) |
round(x) | 0 (full range) |
rint(x) | 0 (full range) |
nearbyint(x) | 0 (full range) |
ceil(x) | 0 (full range) |
floor(x) | 0 (full range) |
lrint(x) | 0 (full range) |
lround(x) | 0 (full range) |
llrint(x) | 0 (full range) |
llround(x) | 0 (full range) |
2. Intrinsic Functions
在这些函数中,有一些标准函数的精度较低但速度更快的版本。它们具有相同的名称,前缀为 __(例如 __sinf(x))。 它们更快,因为它们映射到更少的本机指令。 编译器有一个选项 (-use_fast_math),它强制下表 中的每个函数编译为其内在对应项。 除了降低受影响函数的准确性外,还可能导致特殊情况处理的一些差异。 一种更健壮的方法是通过调用内联函数来选择性地替换数学函数调用,仅在性能增益值得考虑的情况下以及可以容忍更改的属性(例如降低的准确性和不同的特殊情况处理)的情况下。
Operator/Function | Device Function |
x/y | __fdividef(x,y) |
sinf(x) | __sinf(x) |
cosf(x) | __cosf(x) |
tanf(x) | __tanf(x) |
sincosf(x,sptr,cptr) | __sincosf(x,sptr,cptr) |
logf(x) | __logf(x) |
log2f(x) | __log2f(x) |
log10f(x) | __log10f(x) |
expf(x) | __expf(x) |
exp10f(x) | __exp10f(x) |
powf(x,y) | __powf(x,y) |
Single-Precision Floating-Point Functions
和 __fmul_[rn,rz,ru,rd]()
映射到编译器从不合并到 FMAD
中的加法和乘法运算。相比之下,由“*”和“+”运算符生成的加法和乘法将经常组合到 FMAD 中。
以 _rn
以 _rz
以 _ru
以 _rd
浮点除法的准确性取决于代码是使用 -prec-div=false
还是 -prec-div=true
精度相同,但对于2126 < |y| <2128,__fdividef(x,y)
提供的结果为零,而 / 运算符提供的正确结果在下表 中规定的精度范围内。此外,对于 2126 < |y| <2128,如果 x 为无穷大,则 __fdividef(x,y)
提供 NaN(作为无穷大乘以零的结果),而 / 运算符返回无穷大。另一方面,当使用 -prec-div=true
或根本没有任何 -prec-div
选项编译代码时, / 运算符符合 IEEE 标准,因为它的默认值为 true。
Function | Error bounds |
__fadd_[rn,rz,ru,rd](x,y) | IEEE-compliant. |
__fsub_[rn,rz,ru,rd](x,y) | IEEE-compliant. |
__fmul_[rn,rz,ru,rd](x,y) | IEEE-compliant. |
__fmaf_[rn,rz,ru,rd](x,y,z) | IEEE-compliant. |
__frcp_[rn,rz,ru,rd](x) | IEEE-compliant. |
__fsqrt_[rn,rz,ru,rd](x) | IEEE-compliant. |
__frsqrt_rn(x) | IEEE-compliant. |
__fdiv_[rn,rz,ru,rd](x,y) | IEEE-compliant. |
__fdividef(x,y) | For |y| in [2-126, 2126], the maximum ulp error is 2. |
__expf(x) | The maximum ulp error is 2 + floor(abs(1.16 * x)). |
__exp10f(x) | The maximum ulp error is 2+ floor(abs(2.95 * x)). |
__logf(x) | For x in [0.5, 2], the maximum absolute error is 2-21.41, otherwise, the maximum ulp error is 3. |
__log2f(x) | For x in [0.5, 2], the maximum absolute error is 2-22, otherwise, the maximum ulp error is 2. |
__log10f(x) | For x in [0.5, 2], the maximum absolute error is 2-24, otherwise, the maximum ulp error is 3. |
__sinf(x) | For x in [-π,π], the maximum absolute error is 2-21.41, and larger otherwise. |
__cosf(x) | For x in [-π,π], the maximum absolute error is 2-21.19, and larger otherwise. |
__sincosf(x,sptr,cptr) | Same as __sinf(x) and __cosf(x). |
__tanf(x) | Derived from its implementation as __sinf(x) * (1/__cosf(x)). |
__powf(x, y) | Derived from its implementation as exp2f(y * __log2f(x)). |
Double-Precision Floating-Point Functions
和 __dmul_rn()
映射到编译器从不合并到 FMAD 中的加法和乘法运算。 相比之下,由“*”和“+”运算符生成的加法和乘法将经常组合到 FMAD 中。
Function | Error bounds |
__dadd_[rn,rz,ru,rd](x,y) | IEEE-compliant. |
__dsub_[rn,rz,ru,rd](x,y) | IEEE-compliant. |
__dmul_[rn,rz,ru,rd](x,y) | IEEE-compliant. |
__fma_[rn,rz,ru,rd](x,y,z) | IEEE-compliant. |
__ddiv_[rn,rz,ru,rd](x,y)(x,y) | IEEE-compliant. Requires compute capability > 2. |
__drcp_[rn,rz,ru,rd](x) | IEEE-compliant. Requires compute capability > 2. |
__dsqrt_[rn,rz,ru,rd](x) | IEEE-compliant. Requires compute capability > 2. |

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1. 准备数据 PUT h1/doc/1 {"name": "rose","gender": "female","age": 18,"tags": ["白", "漂亮", "高"] }PUT h1/doc/2 {"name": "lila","gender&quo…...

1. canal简介 canal是阿里开源的数据同步工具,基于bin log可以将数据库同步到其他各类数据库中,目标数据库支持mysql,postgresql,oracle,redis,MQ,ES等 canal分成服务端deployer和客户端adapter,我们可以部署多个,同时为了方便管…...


一.介绍 awk是专门为文本处理设计的编程语言,是一门数据驱动的编程语言。与sed类似,都是以数据驱动的行处理软件,主要用于数据扫描,过滤和汇总。数据可以来自于标准输入,管道或者文件。 二.语法 awk是一种处理文本文件…...

如何把String/Date转成LocalDateTime参考String、Date与LocalDate、LocalTime、LocalDateTime之间互转 String、Date、LocalDateTime、Calendar与时间戳之间互相转化参考String、Date、LocalDateTime、Calendar与时间戳之间互相转化 方法介绍 getYear() 获取日期的年 getMon…...

MoveIT Rviz和Gazebo联合仿真
文章目录环境安装概述ros_control框架ros_control数据流文件配置附加工具故障问题解决参考接前两篇:ROS MoveIT1(Noetic)安装总结 Solidworks导出为URDF用于MoveIT总结(带prismatic) MoveIT1 Assistant 总结 环境 Ubu…...

一、物料清单: NODEMCU-32-S2 (ESP32-12K)四段数码管(共阴)DS18B20(VCC/DQ/GND)Arduino-IDE 2.0.3二、实现方法及效果图: 2.1 引用库 // #include <OneWire.h> //可以不引入,因为DallasTemperature.h中已经引入了OneWire.h #include <DallasTemperature.h>#…...

一、编译选项定位堆栈溢出 来源:堆栈溢出检测机制 - SkrSky - 博客园 1、栈溢出可能打印 unhandled level 1 translation fault (11) at 0x7f8d0347, esr 0x92000005 2、栈溢出保护机制 gcc提供了栈保护机制stack-protector(编译选项-fstack-protec…...

CSS概念 CSS(Cascading Style Sheets)层叠样式表,又叫级联样式表,简称样式表 CSS用于HTML文档中元素样式的定义 使用css让网页具有美观一致的页面 语法 CSS 规则由两个主要的部分构成:选择器和声明样式 选择器通常…...